Amtrak Launches New Chicago-Miami Train: Ticket Prices and Travel Times - ForumDaily
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Amtrak Launches New Chicago-Miami Train: Ticket Prices and Travel Times

The Amtrak Floridian line will start in Chicago and make stops in Cleveland, Washington, D.C., Orlando and Tampa before arriving at its final destination in Miami, according to NBC Chicago.

Photo: Iandewarphotography |

The route will begin next month. According to Amtrak, the Floridian will start in Chicago and end in Miami. Stops will include Cleveland, Washington, D.C., Orlando and Tampa.

The route was planned by combining the Capitol Limited and Silver Star lines, officials said.

The routes are being combined because of a massive project to rebuild the East River Tunnel, as both tunnels are in need of repair after Hurricane Sandy hit the northeastern United States in 2012.

On the subject: See America by Train

When will Amtrak service from Chicago to Miami start?

The trips will begin November 10, according to Amtrak, and will operate daily.

Customers can now purchase tickets for the Floridian line.

Amtrak Schedule Chicago to Miami

The Floridian will operate on a schedule similar to the Capitol Limited between Chicago and Washington, D.C. The train will make stops between Washington, D.C. and Miami, as the Silver Star typically does.

Travel time on the Floridian is approximately 48 hours.

How much are the tickets

Seats start at just over $100 per trip, with private compartments starting at $700.

Economy class carriages are equipped with wide reclining seats, two on each side of the carriage, with plenty of legroom.

There is a dining car for first-class passengers. Some compartments have two reclining seats that transform into beds at night, as well as a shower, while more expensive compartments have more space, a separate toilet and shower. Each compartment has two-level windows, a sink. Special attendants assigned to the compartments make the beds, deliver food, help place luggage, and act as guides during the journey.

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Is food included in the price of the trip?

According to Amtrak, the dining car will serve French toast, omelets, grilled cheese, burgers, vegan chili, steak, salmon, pasta and more, all included in the price of a sleeper ticket.

In addition, there is a cafe on the train with snacks and drinks, which are sold separately.

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