Ammonia leak in Virginia: 26 people in hospital, four in critical condition - ForumDaily
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Ammonia leak in Virginia: 26 people in hospital, four in critical condition

An ammonia leak at a facility in Sterling, Virginia, hospitalized 26 people, four of whom are in critical condition. The incident occurred on July 31 around 20:30 p.m. in the 22000 block of Sous Vide Lane, reports Fox News.

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Loudoun County Fire Rescue responded at 20:47 p.m. to a report of ammonia leaking from pipes at 22445 Sous Vide Lane, according to Laura Rinehart, public information officer for the fire department.

Rinehart confirmed the leak and said most of the victims were employees of an industrial plant located at that address. In addition to those currently hospitalized, 50 people are being examined on site.

“Ammonia is dangerous to inhale. It is also dangerous when it comes into contact with the skin. This binary, inorganic chemical reacts with water, causing burns, Loudoun County Fire and Rescue Assistant Chief Travis Preo told reporters at the scene. “Pure ammonia was stored at this facility.”

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The incident led to road closures in the surrounding area.

The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) said Moran Road at Broderick Drive is closed due to fire work and advised the public to avoid the area.

Authorities are working to contain the leak and ensure the safety of the local community. This news will be updated as details become available.

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