American University in Kyiv opened a set for a new specialty: what you can learn - ForumDaily
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American University in Kyiv has opened a new specialty: what you can learn

The first university in Ukraine that works according to American educational standards, American University Kyiv (AUC) opens admission to a new bachelor's program in English Data Science, reports AIN.

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Program American University Kyiv developed on the basis of the Arizona State University curriculum, taking into account the latest global educational and industry trends and will start in September 2023. As part of the program, students will be able to complete an internship at one of the AUC partner IT companies, and upon completion, receive a double diploma of high-quality fundamental education in the field of Data Science.

In addition, this is an American education available in Ukraine without having to travel abroad and pay high bills for education, living and moving.

“The need for Data Science specialists is and will only grow, because new tools for working with data will appear every year. The same ChatGPT will receive more and more new applications in analytics. However, even if its technology can automate some processes, full automation through data analytics has a limited resource, because the results must be validated. Therefore, a person and his expertise will always be in demand. Talk that artificial intelligence will push us humans to the margins of history is too premature,” said Alexander Romanko, professor at American University Kyiv and the University of Toronto and director of the Data Science program.

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He noted that one should always check how the data is interpreted and how the results of the simulation influence decisions. After all, not only the efficiency of the company, but often human lives depend on them. Especially when it comes to, for example, a military or medical analyst, as Alexander said.

Data Science UA is Ukraine's largest recruiting agency and consulting company in this area. In 2021, it hired more than 150 specialists in Ukraine. In many sectors of the economy, such as finance, retail, marketing, decisions are mostly made based on data analysis and calculations, and not intuitively or based on experience, as it was before, as Alexander says. “Therefore, when forming our bachelor’s program, we also applied my work, namely the analysis of data on similar programs and the needs of the labor market,” he said.

How the program was developed

AUC applies the principle of a partner university in the USA, Arizona State University, in the development of its educational programs.
“The approach of American University Kyiv, like Arizona State University, is to prepare its graduates for a long journey and with a wealth of knowledge that will be in demand both in the short and long term. I’m not even talking about the ability to learn independently,” says Alexander.

AUC also relied on Kaggle data, the largest platform of the Data Science competitions. It conducts an annual pay survey of more than 30 people. AUC specialists made an analysis and received a list of skills that you need to have for a higher income. In shaping the training program, AUC also turned to him.

Who is this program for?

The Data Science bachelor's program will be of interest both to those who have just graduated from school, junior-level specialists, and middle-specialists who understand that they are not yet ready for master's programs. It will also be relevant for switchers. If we talk about the content of the courses of the program, then the following blocks can be distinguished:

Mathematics, statistics and methods. All Data Science algorithms are based on mathematics and statistics. Especially those that are becoming more and more popular now - ML / AI algorithms. Without knowledge of mathematics, without understanding what is under the hood of these algorithms, it is impossible to be a data analyst.

Computer science and programming. Within this block, students will learn and have practice in using various programming languages ​​at a sufficient level to be able to support systems - Java, C / C ++, Python among them.

Working with data. We are talking about Data Engineering, Data Management, Cloud, distributed computing, Big Data, data visualization, DevOps, MLOps.

English and soft skills. Now, without understanding other cultures, having a developed emotional intelligence and the ability to communicate with different people, specialists from other industries, clients, it is impossible to be a successful pro. In particular, you need to be able to tell a story (storytelling) to clients and colleagues on the basis of any data analytics about why the results of this or that modeling should be applied. Therefore, such qualities as public speaking, leadership, the ability to communicate not only with technical specialists, but also with managers will be important here. Also, the program will provide such tangential, but important knowledge as philosophy, ethics, regulation and legislation in the field of data science.

Internship and graduation project (Capstone). At the end and during the program, students will have a two-month internship in AUC partner companies. This is the ideal platform for building university-company partnerships and bringing student ideas to life.


The advantage of AUC, as Alexander says, is a double diploma, which, in fact, is a ticket to global projects at the international level.

What is important here for a graduate: instead of proving that a diploma from a Ukrainian university meets quality standards, you can simply show a diploma from an American university, which is an automatic confirmation of the quality of education.

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Another significant advantage, according to Alexander, is the focus of the program on the development of soft skills - without them it is now impossible to be competitive in the world. And here we are talking about the ability to negotiate, intercultural and anti-crisis communication, writing and presentation skills in multinational environments, team management.

“We are confident that our graduates will not only be technical specialists, but also managers capable of managing projects and processes,” he says.

“In Ukraine, we have repeatedly encountered the fact that our highly qualified specialists know how to develop excellent solutions, but do not know how to market and sell them,” says Alexander. “We have always had a focus on technical skills, but now the market dictates something else: namely, a mix of such skills with managerial ones.”

He explains that, in particular, it is not only about working with clients, management, but the ability to sell and promote solutions developed in Ukraine. Experience shows that Americans and Canadians, for example, sell much better. This, too, needs to be learned, and American education will come in handy here, as Alexander says.

All education at AUC is conducted in English. According to research, English is at the top of the candidate's list of expectations. Therefore, this criterion is important, and annually gains additional weight.

Alexander emphasizes that the university is also an environment of like-minded people, young people united by common values, the desire for freedom and creativity.

“AJK is just such a place because it espouses the American values ​​of virtue, freedom of choice and friendliness. I believe that these communities that we are creating will later become business partners and help each other in business, volunteering and social activities,” he says.

Relevance of Data Science

Data Science is one of the most interesting industries where we will have to constantly develop, as Alexander believes. In the field of Data Science, projects are cross-industry and therefore different. Data analysts are not limited to one industry - they worked in marketing analytics for two years, then moved into retail or financial services. Then we went to develop an automatic tracking system for drones. “It’s this ability to explore different industries and influence life-changing decisions by providing analytics for them that makes the profession incredibly demanding, but also influential and responsible,” he says.

Oleksandr emphasizes the relevance of military analytics, because the military-industrial complex will be a key industry in Ukraine.

“Today we all understand that military operations are already conducted by algorithms, artificial intelligence, especially if we take into account various types of drones, autonomous vehicles, demining devices,” he says. — This is an increasingly large industry that will require more and more specialists in Ukraine. We really need all this today in order to win this war, and in the future - in order to make Russian aggression impossible after the victory.”

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Oleksandr is confident that Ukraine will become the leading developer and supplier of such technologies in the world.

“The education and profession of a data specialist today is a contribution to the future of Ukraine, an opportunity to create a reality that will shape our digital world,” he says.

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