Rollercoaster: 12 mind-blowing rides to open in 2023 - ForumDaily
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Rollercoaster: 12 mind-blowing rides to open in 2023

In the US, 12 new roller coasters are about to begin welcoming visitors. A detailed overview of the most anticipated attractions that will open in 2023 will inspire you for an unforgettable experience. USAToday.

Photo: IStock

Derek Perry rode all the new roller coasters that opened in the US last year, and he can't wait to see what's next. “It’s a really exciting time for coaster enthusiasts,” he said.

Serious fans like Perry, who works as director of public relations for American Coaster Enthusiasts, "the world's largest amusement club," plan entire trips to new attractions.

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However, you don't have to be so dedicated to enjoy all the new roller coasters that are opening across the country this weekend. Here are the 12 most anticipated rollercoasters of 2023.

Aquaman: Power Wave at Six Flags Over Texas

Opening: 11 March.

Location: Arlington, Texas.

Description: Six Flags Over Texas calls "the first coaster of its kind" in North America, with a 90-degree submersion in the water.

Speed: to 101 km per hour.

Height restrictions: from 120 cm.

Perry compared Aquaman: Power Wave to riding a big boat on a roller coaster. “You go back and up, and then you come back and go higher. Then the pool below fills with water. And when you go down, you hit the water and there's this huge splash,” he said. “It’s a cool combination of a roller coaster and a water ride.”

Arctic Rescue at SeaWorld San Diego

Opening: Spring.

Location: San Diego, California.

Description: guests must hurry to save Arctic animals from poachers as the ice melts on the Arctic Rescue, which SeaWorld calls "the fastest and longest roller coaster on the West Coast."

Speed: 64 km per hour.

Height restrictions: information is absent.

“I’m excited about it,” Perry said. — I can't believe how many roller coasters SeaWorld San Diego has opened in the last five years or so... They opened Emperor last year, and they added another new coaster this year. It's just incredible."

Big Bear Mountain at Dollywood

Opening: May.

Location: Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

Description: With 1200m of track, Big Bear Mountain will be the longest rollercoaster in Dollywood and the first in the park to feature a built-in audio system.

Speed: up to 77 km per hour

Height restrictions: from 90 cm.

“They are promoting it as a family attraction, but given the length of the track and what it does, I think it will appeal to all the kids right down to the thrill seekers,” Perry said.

Perry had the opportunity to check out the rides at the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions convention last year and praised their detail and theme. “This will probably be my favorite roller coaster in the park,” he said.

Catapult Falls at SeaWorld San Antonio

Opening: summer.

Location: San Antonio, Texas.

Description: expect to get wet on the world's steepest and first chute slide, which SeaWorld says will give visitors the thrill of riding on water. The ride will also include "North America's only vertical lift" that rises at 2m per second.

Speed: more than 59 km per hour.

Height restrictions: information is absent.

Flume slides can be the subject of controversy for fans of such rides.

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“Will this be considered a water ride, or a roller coaster, or both? asks Perry. “People aren't sure yet, but it looks like it's going to be cool moving forward on the water ride.” It's definitely unique."

Dar Koaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg

Opening: Spring.

Location: Williamsburg, Virginia.

Description: you'll hop on snowmobiles to explore the unusual weather near the cursed castle. Daring riders may find they're not alone as they race through the darkness on North America's first indoor four-way slide.

Speed: information is absent.

Height restrictions: from 120 cm.

The DarKoaster will be housed at the Curse of DarKastle in Busch Garden Williamsburg, according to park officials. The slides are over 420m long, but a switch will allow adrenaline seekers to stretch the fun over 740m of track.

Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia, Six Flags Fiesta Texas

Opening: summer.

Location: Austell. Georgia and San Antonio, Texas.

Description: according to Six Flags, guests can compete against each other on double dueling courses that cross over a dozen times, "like spaghetti". The tracks themselves are single rail.

Speed: undisclosed, but the park rates the thrill level as "moderate".

Height restrictions: from 90 cm.

“Families and friends are going to have an explosive ride,” Perry described the ride, noting the repeated ride opportunities with varying results. It will be the first racing coaster in Georgia and Texas, but Perry said its most unique feature will be the LED panels along each track that can change color. “This is the first time something like this has been created for a roller coaster, and theme park fans are very excited to see something new come to life,” he said.

Pipeline: The Surf Coaster at SeaWorld Orlando

Opening: Spring.

Location: Orlando, Florida.

Description: it is the "first of its kind" roller coaster with "a unique harness system that provides safety and unprecedented freedom of movement," according to SeaWorld Orlando.

Speed: to 96 km per hour.

Height restrictions: from 130 cm.

“Slide enthusiasts love Pipeline,” Perry said. “It's a new ride design that they haven't come across before… The ride device will actually bounce up and down like you're floating on the waves. And it's also the first slide ever built where guests will be standing instead of sitting."

He noted that many amusement ride manufacturers seem to have given up on making standing coasters. “Hopefully it will be very popular and stand-up coasters will be revived,” he said.

Primordial at Lagoon

Opening: undisclosed, in 2023

Location: Farmington, Utah.

Description: The park says details and images will be released as the attraction, currently under construction, gets closer to opening.

Speed: not disclosed.

Height restrictions: not disclosed.

“They don’t reveal too many details... so it’s causing a stir,” Perry said. “They built something like a mountain, so you can see the mountain, and then you see this outdoor section of the track. Coaster lovers eagerly ask, “What’s inside?”

TRON Lightcycle/Run at Walt Disney World

Opening: 4 April.

Location: near Orlando, Florida.

Description: TRON Lightcycle / Run invites guests to go online and race with personalized computer programs on futuristic Lightcycle vehicles, just like in the movies TRON and TRON: Legacy and the arcade game TRON.

Speed: undisclosed, but Disney calls it "one of the fastest rides in any Disney theme park".

Height restrictions: from 120 cm.

“The coaster enthusiasts who have ridden it have been blown away,” Perry said. “They love the look, the futuristic look of everything, the way it's all woven together with the Daft Punk music from the movie and the different futuristic themes. There is so much to see on the ride that you definitely want to go on the ride several times.”

While the slides officially open to the public next month, they have been open to actors, annual pass holders and other special guests for several weeks. When Perry rode the ride, he said he had goosebumps.

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“With TRON Lightcycle/Run, you are fused with this video game as if you were online. “You’ve been digitized and you’re part of it and you don’t feel like you’re in Florida anymore,” he said. “It’s almost like being in a dream or something.”

wild mouse at Cedar Point

Opening: May.

Location: Sandusky, Ohio.

Description: guests race for cheese in six mouse-themed cars and one cheese-themed car on this brand-new rollercoaster that evokes the original Cedar Point wild mouse ride. Because the number of riders in each car can change how it spins, the park says "two rides won't be the same".

Speed: 56 km per hour.

Height restrictions: 100 cm with an attendant or from 120 cm alone.

“This will be a great family addition to the park,” Perry said.

Cedar Point is known for its roller coasters, and Wild Mouse will be the 18th such attraction. “There are all these roller coasters that are over 60, 90 meters high,” Perry said. “It’s an amazing coaster where people who don’t want to go as high can still enjoy the roller coaster.”

Wildcat's Revenge at Hersheypark

Opening: summer.

Location: Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Description: This new steel and wood roller coaster turns thrill-seekers around at an 82-degree angle and features four flips and "the world's largest backflip."

Speed: to 99 km per hour.

Height restrictions: from 120 cm.

“Some roller coasters were definitely upset that Wildcat closed. It was a traditional wooden slide,” Perry said. But the new ride includes a few nods to the original.

“They took part of the wood structure and then added an all-metal track,” he said. “The ride got a little rough, but that’s what it’s all about.”

Zambezi Zinger at Worlds of Fun

Opening: undisclosed, in 2023

Location: Kansas City, Missouri.

Description: the highest point of this new wood/steel hybrid slide is 5m higher than the original Zinger in the park. Zambezi Zinger also has a new African safari theme.

Speed: 72 km per hour.

Height limit: not indicated.

"They're going to use some of the elements of the old rollercoasters, like spiral lifts, tunnels and stuff," Perry said. This leaves fans wondering, "What will it be like, how close will it be to traditional rollercoasters, and what are they going to bring to the table."

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