An American was sentenced to 21 years in prison in the Russian Federation: a Texan came to visit the children who were taken away by his Russian ex-wife - ForumDaily
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An American was sentenced to 21 years in prison in the Russian Federation: a Texan came to visit the children who were taken away by his Russian ex-wife

On February 13, a Russian court sentenced David Barnes, a Texas father, to 21 years in prison on child abuse charges, despite a lack of evidence. Barnes was convicted in Russia on charges that US investigators found to be implausible, reports FoxNews.


The ex-wife of 66-year-old David Barnes, Russian woman Svetlana Koptyaeva, accused him of abusing his two sons in 2018 and 2014. At the time, Houston police investigated both cases and found no grounds for filing charges.

“Honestly, I’m terrified,” Barnes’ lawyer Gleb Glinka said outside the courthouse. “There was almost no evidence on which the court could base this verdict.”

Child Abduction

Koptyaeva is alleged to have illegally removed Barnes' children from the United States during the height of a custody dispute in 2019. Interpol then declared both sons missing. The United States transferred custody rights to Barnes, although this could not be enforced because the children were taken to Russia.

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Montgomery County prosecutors charged Koptyaeva with felony child custody charges and issued a warrant for her arrest.

“I know that everyone who investigated the allegations of child sexual abuse made by Koptyaeva during the child custody proceedings did not find them credible,” Kelly Blackburn of the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office said on Feb. 12. “Mrs. Barnes' involvement in the child custody matter is still pending and the warrant against her is still active.”


Barnes has been in Russian custody since January 2022. His family said he was there to see his children and apply for visitation rights.

Koptyaeva again made accusations against her ex-husband shortly after Barnes arrived. Russian authorities say they are investigating the claims. But Montgomery officials say Russian officials never contacted them about the matter.

“I didn’t steal anyone,” Koptyaeva said on February 12. “I was just protecting my children.”

Barnes is one of several US citizens currently detained in Russia, along with journalist Evan Gershkovitch and US Marine Paul Whelan. However, unlike the last two, President Biden's administration has not declared Barnes "wrongfully detained" at this time.

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