American Airlines Forgets Sleeping Passengers on Planes: Airline Receives Warning for Oversights - ForumDaily
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American Airlines Forgets Sleeping Passengers on Planes: Airline Receives Warning for Oversights

There have been more and more cases of airline passengers falling asleep in window seats or staying in toilets, after which they are simply forgotten on planes. Such incidents pose a safety risk, the publication writes Aviationa2z.

Photo: American Airlines © Allan Clegg |

American Airlines (AA) has come under fire after multiple reports of sleeping passengers being left on empty planes. The incidents, highlighted by the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA), have raised concerns about post-flight inspections and compliance with Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR).

The company and its union complain that post-flight checks are not carried out fully by the crews.

APFA sent a memo to American Airlines flight attendants outlining a pattern of sleeping passengers being forgotten on empty planes.

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Federal Aviation Regulations require a minimum number of flight attendants to be present on board passenger aircraft to ensure safety and manage emergencies.

An investigation into recent incidents found a common cause: passengers were not noticed after the flight because crew members did not thoroughly check window seats, toilet cubicles and other areas. The union stressed that all crew members are responsible for these checks.

To prevent such errors, the senior flight attendant is required to make a final inspection of the cabin and ensure that there are no passengers left on board.

"This critical final review is necessary to prevent FAR violations and maintain safety standards," the memo said.

An unattended passenger on board is a serious risk. The aircraft must remain safe, while unaccompanied passengers may accidentally gain access to restricted areas or end up in dangerous situations.

One of the most high-profile incidents occurred in 2019 with an Air Canada (AC) passenger who was left alone on a parked plane in Toronto.
The woman had to use a flashlight from the cockpit to signal for help because her phone had run out of battery. The distracted passenger was eventually rescued by a truck driver.

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American Airlines, headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, reiterated its commitment to safety protocols.

APFA has urged crews to prioritise cabin inspections after a flight to maintain airline safety standards.

The organization warned against relying on just one person to perform post-flight inspections and reminded that compliance with Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) is a shared responsibility.

American Airlines has not yet confirmed any new measures in response to the reports.

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