An American was arrested for attacking a policeman in Russia: he faces 5 years in prison - ForumDaily
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An American was arrested for attacking a policeman in Russia: he faces 5 years in prison

A US citizen has been charged with committing a criminal offense in Russia. He allegedly attacked a police officer in a prestigious Moscow hotel, reports CBS News with reference to Russian news agencies.

Photo: Elena Shitikova |

Russia's Investigative Committee said the American became aggressive after being asked for identification at an expensive hotel, reports said.

The department’s statement says that on the night of August 12, 2024, a US citizen was taken to the Moscow police station in connection with a hooligan act: “The suspect refused to present identification documents, after which he used violence against a law enforcement officer.”

On the subject: Russia and the United States conducted a large-scale prisoner exchange: Ilya Yashin, Evan Gershkovich, Paul Whelan and others were released

The Investigative Committee did not name the American. Several variations of the name of the detainee appeared in the news, citing unnamed sources.

This detained American is due to appear in court on August 15 - he will be charged with violence against a public servant, which is fraught with five years in prison.

In addition, in May, a Moscow court said it sentenced a US citizen to 10 days of arrest for petty hooliganism after he allegedly stumbled drunkenly into a children's library and lost consciousness.

Several other Americans are serving sentences in Russia for drug deals or thefts.

US and Russian citizen Ksenia Karelina is expected to be sentenced on August 15 after pleading guilty in a closed trial. She is accused of raising funds for the Ukrainian military. The prosecution demanded 15 years in prison for her.

Chris Van Heerden, a former world boxing champion and Karelina's boyfriend, said that he and Ksenia met in 2020 in Los Angeles and had been romantically involved for the past six months. The couple celebrated New Year's Eve together in Istanbul, Turkey, before Karelina flew to her hometown of Yekaterinburg to meet family.

“She was so happy to be back home because she misses her grandparents,” Van Heerden said. “I bought her a ticket to Russia and now I’m very angry with myself for doing it.”

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This month saw the largest exchange of prisoners between Russia and the West since the end of the Cold War. Russia has released Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkowitz and US corporate security specialist Paul Whelan, who were jailed on espionage charges. In addition, the Russian Federation released US and Russian citizen Alsa Kurmasheva, a journalist for Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe, who was sentenced to 6 and a half years for disseminating “false information” about the Russian military.

The three returned to the United States as part of a prisoner exchange between the United States, Russia, Germany and three other countries.

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