Amazon Hires 120 Thousands of Seasonal Employees - ForumDaily
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Amazon Hires 120 Thousands of Seasonal Employees



Amazon plans to hire 120 thousands of seasonal workers in the 27 states of America to cope with additional demand before Thanksgiving and Christmas.

This year, the online retail giant plans to hire thousands more on 20 compared to last year, when the company hired thousands of seasonal workers from 100, of which more than 14 thousands became full-time workers.

The company plans to strengthen the sales center, sorting centers, as well as customer service sites in anticipation of the annual shopping madness.

In September, Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster estimated that 44% of the US population now lives near an Amazon warehouse or delivery station. And the National Retail Federation said Christmas sales will grow 3,6% this year and online sales by 7-10%.

Previously United Parcel Service announced about plans to hire 95 order thousands of seasonal workers in order to cope with peak loads on holidays.

Last month, Target announced that it plans to add 70 thousands of workers to a holiday for its stores, as well as 7,5 thousands of workers to help prepare for the holidays.

Macy's said last month that he hoped to hire thousands of seasonal workers for the holidays with 83.

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