KVN host Alexander Maslyakov has died: how will we remember him and what will happen to the Club of the cheerful and resourceful - ForumDaily
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KVN host Alexander Maslyakov has died: how will we remember him and what will happen to the Club of the cheerful and resourceful

In Moscow, the host and head of the KVN program, as well as the president of the Club of the Merry and Inventive Alexander Maslyakov, has died at the age of 82. The cause of the showman's death has not been reported, but it is known that his health has noticeably worsened after he was re-infected with coronavirus in 2022, and recently he had been undergoing maintenance treatment for an inoperable tumor in his lungs, writes with the BBC.

Photo: Nshirokova | Dreamstime.com

"He was and will forever remain a legend for all participants of the KVN movement and millions of viewers. Since 1964, Maslyakov hosted the KVN program, becoming a symbol of humor and satire in Russia and beyond," the KVN press service said in a statement.

However, in recent years, it would be hard to call Maslyakov a "permanent host". In the 2022 season, he was replaced as the host of the KVN Major League by Valdis Pelsh, Dmitry Nagiyev, Vadim Galygin, Mikhail Galustyan and Dmitry Khrustalev. The "Emperor of KVN" himself hosted only two games.

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In the next two years, Maslyakov did not host the broadcasts, he was replaced by Galygin, Khrustalev and Pelsh, the cohort of hosts also included Alexander Oleshko, Timur Batrutdinov and Igor Vernik. In the spring of 2024, Alexander Maslyakov officially announced his departure from the position of the program host.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. has not hosted a single game of the Major League, although until 2020 he was the host of the KVN television Premier League.

A public favorite and People's Artist of the Chechen Republic

Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941 in Sverdlovsk. In 1966, he graduated from the energy department of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT).

While still a student, in 1964, he began working in television, in the Main Editorial Office of Youth Programs, and in 1968 he graduated from the Higher Courses for Television Workers.

Alexander Maslyakov has always been a favorite of the authorities and television bosses.

On Soviet television, the "eternally young" host presented the highest-rated programs: "The Club of the Merry and Inventive" (first together with Svetlana Zhiltsova), "Hello, We Are Looking for Talents!", "Come on, Girls!", "Come on, Guys!", "Merry Fellows".

He also reported from the World Festivals of Youth and Students in Moscow, Sofia, Berlin, Havana and Pyongyang.

In modern Russia, he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia and became a full Cavalier of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. In 2017, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Chechen Republic.

In 2002, Maslyakov received the TEFI award for his personal contribution to the development of Russian television.

In 2012, 2018 and 2024, the head of the "Club of the Merry and Resourceful" was Vladimir Putin's trusted person in the presidential elections.

Maslyakov Empire

The TV show "Club Veselykh i Nakhodchivykh" appeared in 1961, and since 1986 it has been on air constantly. Aleksandr Maslyakov has been the permanent host of the show since 1964. Over time, under Maslyakov's leadership, several divisions appeared in KVN.

The goal of the KVN teams was to get into the Major League. The Major League games were broadcast on Channel One, many players gained wide popularity and subsequently became famous actors, TV presenters and showmen. For one of the players, jokes and songs in KVN became a springboard to the presidential chair - the current President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky gained fame thanks to his participation in the KVN team "Zaporizhzhia - Krivoy Rog - Transit", and then became the captain of the KVN team "95th quarter".

In April 2016, the Russian holding Gazprom-Media and the creative association Alexander Maslyakov and Company (AMiK) announced the launch of the KVN TV channel.

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Alexander Maslyakov's "KVN Empire" was rapidly expanding.

His wife Svetlana Maslyakova was a KVN director, his son Alexander Maslyakov became the general director of "AMiK" and the host of the KVN Premier League (from 2003 to 2020), his daughter-in-law Angelina Maslyakova is the director of "House of KVN", and his granddaughter Taisiya Maslyakova is the host of children's KVN. Now, as many sources write, the main owner of this already pretty shabby show will be Alexander Maslyakov Jr.

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