ICE agents detain more than 100 workers during a raid in Texas - ForumDaily
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ICE agents detain more than 100 workers during a raid in Texas

Federal immigration agents have detained more than 100 people suspected of using fake identity documents to get work in North Texas.


ICE agents with a criminal search warrant went to Load Trail, located in Sumner, Texas. The raid took place on Tuesday, 28 August, after receiving information that the company hired undocumented immigrants who used fictitious identity documents.

According to CNN, the company employs more 500 employees.

ICE officials will conduct a survey of those arrested and will continue to determine whether they will be detained or released on humanitarian grounds.

A raid in Texas is taking place against the backdrop of several recent checks across the country. In June, federal immigration agents check a meat supplier in Massillon, Ohio, and arrested more than 100 workers suspected of fraud.

As a result of a similar raid at a meat processing plant in eastern Tennessee, in April arrested dozens of illegal immigrants.

Such arrests are aimed not only at employees, but also at employers who deliberately hire people who are not entitled to work.

ICE agents check companies for compliance with the I-9 form, which is filled when employees are hired. It shows that the employee has the right to work in the country. Back in January, as rumors of ICE inspections spread, a new state law entered into force in California prohibiting employers from allowing ICE agents to their facilities without a warrant. In addition, within 72 hours, companies must inform employees of receipt of a notice of inspection.

Failure to comply with state law can result in a $ 10 000 fine and even a criminal case if it is proved that employers knowingly violated the law, ICE representatives said.

For many years, federal law did not prohibit the illegal use of labor. That changed in 1986, when President Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act, called the IRCA. He first established fines for illegally hiring people in the country. The IRCA imposed relatively low fines, and the law states that in order to be convicted, employers had to “consciously hire” a person who was in the country without documents. This was a relief for employers who could be provided with false documents, claiming they did not know. This was the obstacle to the prosecution of employers.

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