Citizens of which post-Soviet countries find it most difficult to obtain a tourist visa to the USA
State Department опубликовал US tourist visa denial statistics for fiscal year 2024.
Photo: David Franklin |
It is important to understand that the rating only concerns tourist visas (category B); the situation for work and other visas may be completely different. We looked at the indicators for citizens of post-Soviet countries - here is how they look in this rating:
- Armenia - 59,46% of applicants for tourist visas were refused;
- Azerbaijan - 21,46%;
- Belarus - 28,79%;
- Georgia - 41,44%;
- Kazakhstan - 46,29%;
- Kyrgyzstan - 39,14%;
- Latvia - 7,67%;
- Lithuania - 21,04%;
- Moldova - 46,99%;
- Russia — 38,56%;
- Tajikistan - 45,24%;
- Turkmenistan - 58,80%;
- Ukraine - 33,45%;
- Uzbekistan - 64,41%;
- Estonia - 9,79%.
We see that the visa refusal rate for post-Soviet countries varies widely: from 7,67% for Latvia to 64,41% for Uzbekistan.
Countries with higher rejection rates (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia) typically have economic or social indicators that may be associated with high migration risks, such as illegal migration.
On the other hand, the low refusal rate for the Baltic States (7,67%–21,04%) is primarily due to their EU membership. This increases confidence in visa applications due to a higher level of economic stability and a lower risk of illegal migration.
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Leaders and outsiders
Let's see who tops and bottoms the list.
The three countries with the highest rates of US tourist visa denials are:
- Guinea - 70,25% of applicants for tourist visas were refused;
- Somalia - 77,02%;
- Guinea-Bissau - 76,59%
These countries are characterized by a difficult internal situation: political instability, low level of economic development and high risk of illegal migration. This makes their citizens less reliable from the point of view of US consular services.
The three countries with the lowest failure rates are:
- Cyprus - 2,16%
- Romania - 2,61%
- UAE - 1,46%
Countries with the lowest refusal rates (Cyprus, Romania, UAE), on the contrary, demonstrate stable economic development. The risk of visa violation by citizens of these countries is minimal.
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