Musk has already 'chipped' a third person: how two previous patients with Neuralink are doing - ForumDaily
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Musk has already 'chipped' a third person: how two previous patients with Neuralink are living

Elon Musk has announced that a third person has received an implant from his brain-computer interface (BCI) company Neuralink. It is one of many organizations working to connect the nervous system to machines, reports Associated Press.

Photo: Phichitpon Intamoon |

“We have … three people with Neuralink devices. All the implants are working well,” he said in an interview at an event in Las Vegas that was broadcast on X.

Since the first human brain implant about a year ago, Musk said the company has improved the devices, adding more electrodes and increasing bandwidth and battery life. He said Neuralink hopes to install experimental devices in 20 to 30 more people this year.

The businessman did not provide details about the latest patient, but there is information about the previous ones. The second patient (a man with a spinal cord injury who got the implant last summer) plays video games with the device and learns to use software to create 3D objects. The first patient, also paralyzed after a spinal cord injury, described how the device helps him cope with video games and chess.

While Neuralink’s work has gotten more attention, other companies and research groups are working on similar projects. Two studies published last year in the New England Journal of Medicine showed how brain-computer interfaces helped people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) communicate better.

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