Ukrainians Create Borscht-Flavored Chocolate: It Becomes a Hit Among Internet Users - ForumDaily
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Ukrainians Create Borscht-Flavored Chocolate: It Becomes a Hit Among Internet Users

Thailand is one of the leaders in cocoa bean cultivation. Confectioners from all over the world order raw materials for their products here. Ukrainian Ruslan Shcherban founded his own chocolate company in Thailand — Samui Chocolate. Last year, he created an unusual new product, which has recently become incredibly popular online: chocolate with the taste of... borscht, the website writes Klopotenko.

Photo: Sergey02 |

This chocolate is completely vegan, contains 75% cocoa beans and does not contain artificial colors or additives. The team roasts the beans themselves on the Thai island of Koh Samui to achieve the perfect taste and aroma of the product.

In addition, the Inspired by Ukraine series includes chocolate with mint and thyme, prunes and walnuts, seeds and salt.

The series is part of a large line of unusual chocolate dedicated to different countries of the world.


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Posted by SAMUI CHOCOLATE (@samui.chocolate)

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