Extreme snow storm and cold weather hit Texas, parts of Florida and other southern states - ForumDaily
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Extreme snow storm and cold weather hit Texas, parts of Florida and other southern states

A cold snap and snowfalls hit Texas and the northern Gulf Coast on January 21. The storm is closing highways and airports. Blizzard warnings have been issued for southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana, the newspaper writes. CastanetAs of the morning of January 22, at least 9 people have died due to bad weather.

Photo: Jmweb7 | Dreamstime.com

The storm is forecast to bring heavy snow, hail and freezing rain to the Southern United States as Arctic air sweeps across much of the eastern United States.

Nearly 21 domestic and international flights were canceled and nearly 2000 were delayed on Jan. 10, according to online tracker FlightAware.com. In Texas, both Houston airports said they would suspend flight operations beginning Jan. 000 due to expected weather conditions.

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The East Coast was blanketed in thick snow, while people from the Northern Plains to Maine shivered in the cold from an Arctic air mass.

Lakesha Reed, who runs Beaucoup Eats in New Orleans, had planned to fly out on Jan. 21 to cook up some goodies for Mardi Gras, but the extreme cold forced flights to be canceled. The 47-year-old New Orleans native said her hometown was hovering around 0 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday afternoon, a rare temperature for the region:

"Last year at this festival we wore shorts."

Winter storm warnings were extended to Texas and North Carolina on January 21, with heavy snow, rain and hail expected through January 22.

An emergency was declared overnight between January 20 and January 21 in at least a dozen counties in New York State because heavy snow was expected. Precipitation of up to 30-60 cm and extreme cold were predicted.

Snow on the Gulf Coast

Before the snowstorm hit, the governors of Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama declared emergencies, and many schools canceled classes on January 21.

A blizzard warning was first issued at the Lake Charles, Louisiana, office until noon on Jan. 21, meteorologist Donald Jones said. Strong winds and snow were reducing visibility on the roads. This type of weather is extremely rare in this area.

"The last time we had snowfall like this was in 1960, and the record amount of rainfall here was in 1895," Jones said. "By modern standards, this would be a historic and very memorable storm for this part of the world."

In Haragan, a suburb of New Orleans, freezing rain turned to snow on the morning of January 21, and there were almost no cars on the roads.

On the eve of the snowfall on the evening of January 20, Houston Mayor John Whitmire asked residents to stay home.

"Be prepared to spend 48 hours in your home, somewhere warm," he warned, noting that temperatures would not rise above freezing until Thursday, January 23.

Snowfall rates of at least 2,5 inch per hour will cover an area from eastern Texas to the west coast of Florida, the National Weather Service said. Three to six inches of precipitation are forecast along the Interstate 8 corridor, including Houston, New Orleans, Mobile, Alabama, and Pensacola, Florida. Heavy snow, hail, and freezing rain are expected in Georgia, northern Florida, and the Carolinas from the evening of Jan. 15 into Jan. 10.

A sudden cold snap can kill plants and burst water pipes. In Texas, Jonathan Lebron, a plumbing manager at Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning in Houston, said the company began fielding calls from homeowners concerned about frozen pipes on Jan. 20.

The minimum temperature in Houston on Tuesday, January 21, will be about -8 °C, the weather service reported.

The return of arctic cold

Much of the East Coast is experiencing its coldest temperatures of the winter, with warming expected by the end of the week.

The unusually cold weather forced Donald Trump to move the inauguration ceremony inside the Capitol. The last time the ceremony was held indoors was in 1985, when Ronald Reagan took the oath of office.

Temperatures could reach -34°C to -46°C in the Dakotas and Upper Midwest. Extreme cold on January 21 forced school districts in the Upper Midwest to close. Some schools continued to hold classes online.

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Cold snap 2021

Texas already experienced a cold snap in February 2021 that had significant consequences for the state. Temperatures dropped to -18°C, which is extremely rare for the region.

The extreme cold has killed at least 30 people in Texas, bringing the U.S. death toll to 47.

Causes of death:

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning: Some residents tried to keep warm using generators or indoor heaters, which resulted in carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Road accidents: Ice and snow drifts have caused many car accidents.
  • Hypothermia: Some people died due to prolonged exposure to low temperatures.
  • Fires: In some cases, fires were caused by the use of faulty heaters or open flames.

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