Man upset over divorce drives car into crowd: 35 killed - ForumDaily
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Man upset over divorce drives car into crowd: 35 killed

A 62-year-old Chinese man surnamed Fan is accused of killing 35 people and injuring dozens more. He drove his car into a group of athletes training at a sports complex. The tragedy occurred on November 11 in Zhuhai, a city in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong, reports People with reference to other sources.

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Photo: Chrissnape30 |

The victims include elderly people, teenagers and children. Investigators learned from evidence collected and statements from those who knew the accused that Fan was unhappy with his divorce agreement.

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A witness told local magazine Caixin that the attacker allegedly drove the car "in a loop" during the collision, and people were injured in all parts of the racetrack - in the east, south, west and north," the BBC reported.

Videos of the aftermath of the attack circulating on social media show scores of people lying on the ground covered in blood, some appearing to call for help and others receiving CPR.

The suspect was hospitalized for a self-inflicted wound. Investigators said Fan stabbed himself in the neck after running over people. The man is now in a coma, police said. Chinese President Xi Jinping announced "all-out efforts" to treat the wounded and said the suspect would face "severe punishment."

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