The first monument to the Heavenly Hundreds opened in the USA - ForumDaily
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In the United States, opened the first monument to the Heavenly Hundred

In the United States, the grand opening and consecration of the first US monument to the Heavenly Hundred and all the heroes who laid down their lives for Ukraine took place.

It was installed next to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Andrew in Bloomingdale near Chicago.

The consecration ceremony was held by the Most Holy Patriarch of Kiev and all Russia-Ukraine Filaret.

The opening ceremony was held with the participation of the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Natalia Yaresko, the Consul General of Ukraine in Chicago Larisa Gerasko, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner and Congressman Peter RosCam.

At the opening ceremony, they also read congratulations from Senators John McCain and Mark Kirk.

Recall the construction of the monument was supported by Senator John McCain. And the Ukrainian community joined the fundraising for the construction of the monument to the Heavenly Hundred in Chicago.

In the U.S. monument Chicago Ukraine
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