Roskomnadzor calculated how many bloggers swear - ForumDaily
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Roskomnadzor calculated how many bloggers swear

The most frequent violation of Russian bloggers was obscene language. As Roskomnadzor calculated, it was she who composed 60% of all violations. This is followed by drug propaganda (24%), insulting the feelings of believers (6 percent), extremism and Nazi paraphernalia propaganda (by 5%).

Since 1 August 2014 in Russia, the so-called law on bloggers came into force. It obliges account holders in social networks and blogs with attendance of more than 3 thousands of people per day to register in the appropriate Roskomnadzor registry. The law has practically equated bloggers with the media: they must check the information for accuracy, not to disseminate extremist materials and information about the private life of citizens.

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