What does a forgotten child experience? Minute by minute - ForumDaily
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What does a forgotten child experience? Minute by minute

Perhaps this article will discourage parents from forgetting children in cars. Israeli doctor tells the publication Veststhat the child is locked in the car.

Фото: Depositphotos

The fact is that the organism of small children is poorly adapted to extreme values ​​of temperature. Even if the child survives, he may remain permanently disabled.

This is what happens to a baby's body in a closed car - minute by minute.

5-10 minutes: dehydration, asphyxiation, kidney failure

On a hot day, when the temperature in the sun reaches 30 degrees, the interior of a locked car heats up to 5 degrees in 50 minutes. This is enough to make the child literally cooked in it.

In the first few minutes it becomes difficult for the baby to breathe due to lack of air.

After 5 minutes, he begins to choke. The level of oxygen in his blood drops, the pressure drops. The brain, lungs and heart begin to experience oxygen starvation.

If the baby is tied up in a car seat, then he cannot move to disperse the blood, and begins to lose consciousness.

After 10 minutes, he begins to have convulsions, his heart rate decreases, and the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain worsens even more.

If help has not arrived, and by this time, kidney failure begins. This can lead to irreversible changes in them. Children rescued from the car at this stage may then need hemodialysis or a kidney transplant.

30 minutes: burns

The sun's rays penetrating through the glass, burning soft baby skin. The child is very painful, because his whole body is burning from sunburn. But the baby can't shout in half an hour. His mind is clouded, the heart is beating with all his might.

After 45 minutes: cerebral hemorrhage

If there is still no help, the blood almost boils in the baby’s brain and leads to hemorrhage. A sharp loss of salt (with sweat) and thickening of the blood due to heat can cause the formation of blood clots.

They can clog important vessels, which leads to the failure of all vital systems of the body.

What if you saw a baby in a locked car?

The first step is to call an ambulance on 101. The sooner professional medical assistance begins, the greater the chance that the baby will survive.

Break the glass (not just where the baby is sitting, so as not to injure him with fragments, but the one next to it). If you can’t do it yourself, shout and call other passers-by for help. Fresh air will lower the temperature in the cabin and help increase your baby's chances of survival.

Remove the child from the car and move him to the shade. Unbutton his clothes. If the baby is unconscious, follow the instructions of the emergency dispatch center.

Remember: an unconscious child should not be given a drink and should not be watered with water.

Do not leave the baby alone until the ambulance arrives.

Read also on ForumDaily:

How to transport a child in the car: safety requirements in different states

Miscellanea children cars Educational program
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