Arrested by the migration service of the Russian refugee released - ForumDaily
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Arrested by the migration service of the Russian refugee released

Denis Davydov Photo: from personal archives

Denis Davydov Photo: from personal archives

Russian Denis Davydov, whom arrested immigration servicesand in March 2017, he was released.

According to Denis’s close friend, Sergei Piskunov, Davydov was released on April 27. “This was made possible thanks to the support of the media and the administration of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. The case is still not closed, but the fact that Denis is no longer in prison is a big victory. We tapped into our community and the networks of very different people. Everyone has a way to reach someone, and a coordinated effort leads to good results,” says a friend of Denis Davydov in a commentary to ForumDaily.

The guy fled to the USA from Moscow in September 2014. The cause was death threats due to his unconventional orientation. Davydov had a tourist visa. After 2 a month after its completion, he applied for political asylum. The law allows you to send a statement within a year from the date of arrival in the United States.

Davydov received a formal work permit, he got a job as a barista in one of the restaurants in the California city of San José.

In March 2017, the young man decided to take a rest on the US Virgin Islands. Going on a trip, he took with him only an ID of the state of California.

13 March Davydov arrived at St. Thomas Airport, which is on the American side of the Virgin Islands. At passport control, Denis showed ID, but the officers asked for additional documents proving the identity of the passenger. Since there were no other papers with Denis, the customs officers decided to send him to an immigration prison until the circumstances were clarified.

Read more about the history of Denis and other Russian-speaking illegal immigrants who went to an American immigration prison. our the material.

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