The most unexpected profession in the US with salaries over $ 100 thousands - ForumDaily
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The most unexpected profession in the United States with salaries over $ 100 thousand

Every year, Forbes examines data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which is a division of the US Department of Labor, in order to select the most unexpected professions whose representatives earn more than 100 thousand dollars a year.

It should be noted that in the first paragraph of the ranking is presented the average salary for the representatives of each profession, whose earnings are included in Top-10% in their field.

15. Engineer for the installation and repair of elevators

Description: installation, repair and control of the work of passenger and freight elevators, as well as escalators

Top-10%: $ 109 450

Average salary: $ 76 490

State with the highest salary: Oregon

14. Family Lecturer

Description: training in family relationships, childcare, nutrition, family budget, and other topics.

Top-10%: $ 114 150

Average salary: $ 68 030

Highest Wage: Michigan

13. Transport inspector

Description: monitoring the safety of passenger and freight transport, including on the railway

Top-10%: $ 114 360

Average salary: $ 70 820

State with the highest salary: Washington, DC

12. Writers and Authors

Description: writing scripts, stories, articles, advertisements and other printed materials

Top-10%: $ 114 820

Average salary: $ 67 870

State with the highest salary: Washington, DC

11. Stage makeup artist

Description: a make-up specialist who works with theater artists and members of various shows.

Top-10%: $ 115 030

Average salary: $ 60 830

Highest Wage: New York

10. Hydrologist

Description: a specialist in the study of the water surface of the Earth, its properties and distribution

Top-10%: $ 117 190

Average salary: $ 81 930

Highest Wage: California

9. Game Hall Manager

Description: casino gaming management

Top-10%: $ 119 950

Average salary: $ 75 590

State with the highest salary: Nevada

8. Farmer and farmer

Description: organization of work of farms and agriculture, staff training and financial management

Top-10%: $ 121 690

Average salary: $ 72 570

Highest Wage: California

7. Detective and forensic investigator

Description: Local or Federal Crime Investigation

Top-10%: $ 127 400

Average salary: $ 80 540

State with the highest salary: Washington, DC

6. Ship captain

Description: driving or controlling a ship, a boat and other water vehicles

Top-10%: $ 128 330

Average salary: $ 79 180

Highest Wage: Texas

5. A teacher of music, painting or performing arts

Description: courses in art, including drawing and music

Top-10%: $ 128 330

Average salary: $ 75 350

Highest Wage: New York

4. Funeral organizer

Description: Coordination of Funeral Processions

Top-10%: $ 137 410

Average salary: $ 81 080

Highest Wage: New York

3. Mathematician

Description: conducting basic research or adopting mathematical methods in science, business and other fields

Top-10%: $ 157 090

Average salary: $ 104 350

Highest Wage: New Jersey

2. Astronomers

Description: conducting research on astronomical phenomena and phenomena

Top-10%: $ 162 630

Average salary: $ 107 140

Highest Wage: California

1. TV news analyst

Description: analytics and reviews in the air of information programs on various topics

Top-10%: $ 182 470

Average salary: $ 84 380

State with the highest salary: Oklahoma


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