The founder of Amazon has tested the world's first reusable launch vehicle. VIDEO - ForumDaily
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The founder of Amazon has tested the world's first reusable launch vehicle. VIDEO

The head of the American aerospace company Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos, who is founder of the internet company Amazon, announced the successful testing of the world's first reusable launch vehicle.

The New Shepard rocket, named in honor of the first American astronaut, brought the uninhabited capsule to an altitude of 100 kilometers.

At the end of the test, the capsule intended for the crew landed safely on a parachute, and the rocket boosters - with the help of jet engines.

The landing video frames were posted on the Blue Origin website, which is developing a three-seater spacecraft designed for suborbital flights.

According to Jeff Bezos, the latest tests open a new page in the history of the use of reusable space rockets.

The test rocket launch took place in Texas. When the rocket dropped to an altitude of 1,5 kilometers, its engines re-started and, when landing, the rocket speed was 7 kilometers per hour.

Previously private space company Ilona Mask SpaceX I repeatedly tried to land the first stage of the launch vehicle on a platform in the ocean, but I never succeeded in doing this. At the same time, all launches during which such attempts were made were commercial.

Mask has already congratulated his rival Bezos on reaching Twitter, but stressed the difference between suborbital flights and space flights.

As told "Forum", in September, the company founder Jeff Bezos purchased a launch pad to launch missiles from an air force base at Cape Canaveral, Florida.

It was decided to allocate $ 200 million for the project. According to Bezos, he was inspired by the launch of Saturn-5, an American launch vehicle used for the implementation of the American lunar mission program, including the first human landing on the earth’s natural satellite 20 July. 1969 of the year.

Bezos has announced plans to launch the first launch of 2020.

In the U.S. Test space Amazon space rocket Blue Origin Bezos
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