Answers to 9 questions about aircraft that you were shy to ask
If you are not an aircraft designer, then, most likely, you know very little about airplanes. And I'm not talking about how and why this technique flies, but about more trivial issues. They usually come to mind at some point and are immediately forgotten.
That is, such questions that you don’t immediately google, but you can ask a maximum of someone nearby, because the answer is not really needed. But it’s funny that it is on such simple “whys” that they give the most interesting answers. So let's talk about airplanes.
Why are most aircraft white?
There are several reasons at once, why once they chose white. Firstly, it accumulates much less heat, which means it is more comfortable for passengers and cheaper for the airline. In addition, white paint is usually cheaper. And secondly, on a white case it is easier to notice various damage and even small cracks.
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Why do airplanes have ashtrays?
Everyone knows that smoking is prohibited on airplanes, but manufacturers continue to install ashtrays in toilets. After all, we are all people, and during a long flight many people secretly smoke, so we decided to leave the ashtrays so as not to remove cigarette butts from the floor.
Why are portholes rounded?
In the mid-50's, De Havilland launched the first Comet passenger jet. And after some time, these sides began to fall apart in the air. After reviewing the design, the engineers found that the corners of the square windows have too much load. To compensate for this shortcoming, we decided to give the windows of the aircraft a rounded shape.
Why does the cabin seem spacious?
In fact, the interior is slightly smaller than it looks. But the designers tried to do everything so that people with claustrophobia were as comfortable as possible in flight. This is achieved thanks to the correct illumination and well-chosen corners.
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Why are the edges of the wings bent up?
In flight, a difference is created between the pressure above and below the plane, so the air, tending to balance, flows down the wings and, breaking off, creates turbulence. It was decided to bend the tips of the wings, which not only reduced turbulence, but also increased the durability of the wing and fuel consumption.
Why is the entrance on the left?
This is not a rule, but most often it is. There are several speculations here: since the luggage hatches are on the right, it is safer to seat passengers on the left side, or this tradition began with ships, because people board from the left side. Another version is that previously the commander sat on the left and the entrance from this side made it easier for him to accurately approach the landing zone.
Why do planes have different nose shapes?
The nose seriously affects aerodynamics: the sharper it is, the faster the plane. Military fighters have sharp noses, but they are rounded in civil aviation because they are cheaper. In addition, a sharp nose interferes with visibility on the runway. In 1969, the breakthrough in aircraft construction was the new Concorde with a movable nose.
Why are some planes so oddly shaped?
The shape of the aircraft, of course, resemble the outlines of birds. When the engineers set out to implement the invisible aircraft project, they drew attention to the position of birds of prey during the hunt. So the most famous F-117 Nighthawk and B-2 Spirit appeared.
Why are there no standing places on airplanes?
This is done for security reasons, because it is too difficult to secure people who will stand in the cabin. But recently, an Italian company introduced models of chairs for ultra-low-cost airlines, in which you can stand. If the flight lasts only two hours, then standing is not a problem, besides it is super cheap.
Unfortunately, it is already not easy to answer more difficult questions, for this you need to contact specialists or read the relevant literature.
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