Nine Places in Italy Where You Can Buy a House for $1
Are you dreaming of moving to another country, but are you worried about real estate prices? It turns out that in Italy, the heart of European civilization, there are places where you can buy an old house for only a dollar! The site tells about where these places are located This is Italy.
1. Fabbriche di Vergemoli (Vergemoli factories)
This Tuscan town, located in the protected forests of the Apuan Alps, began selling its homes in 2006.
2. Cantiano (cantiano)
It is located in central Italy and sells historic homes in the heart of its medieval town. The area, known since Roman times, is popular with horse breeders who have settled in the surrounding hills.
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3. Cinquefrondi (cinquefrondi)
Located in the Calabria region, about 50 homes were put up for sale in June 2020.
4. Tsungoli (Zungoli)
Situated near the Amalfi Coast, the area retains the atmosphere of a medieval village, with a castle nearby.
5. Borgomezzavalle (Borgomezzavalle)
If you love mountains, this is the place for you. The town is hidden in the Italian Alps, near the border with Switzerland, and is actively looking for new residents.
6. Ollolai (Ollolai)
Famous for its Casu Fiore Sardo cheese, Ollolai advertises itself as a place with zero air pollution and stunning views.
7. Jangi (Ganga)
Situated near Palermo in Sicily, the sale of houses began in 2011, but there are still some available options.
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8. Bivona (Bivona)
Also settled in Sicily. The city's Latin name translates as "twice beautiful", which emphasizes the region's untouched nature.
9. Cammarata (Cammarata)
This Sicilian town is offering homes completely free of charge and even providing extra money to new residents with newborn babies.
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