7 Tips to Easily Reschedule a Long Flight - ForumDaily
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7 Tips to Easily Reschedule a Long Flight

Traveling is always an important event, especially if you have to cross the ocean. A long flight can be a difficult test. But it can also bring pleasure - it all depends on how you prepare for it. Edition Lifehacker told how to optimally plan a trip, thousands of kilometers of travel and a change of time zones to get out of the airport in a good mood.

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1. Choose a connecting flight

A direct flight from one point to another is a many-hour flight, after which it is difficult to be awake. During the trip, give yourself the opportunity to relax a bit - choose the option with a transfer in one of the cities along the route.

Even if the interval between flights is short, you can at least stretch your numb muscles at the airport. This is especially important if you are traveling with children or older people: such passengers are not easy to take long flights.

Yes, in this case, your trip will be several hours longer than with the direct route, but you can take a break. And it’s unlikely to overpay: such flights are comparable in price to direct flights, and often even cheaper than them.

If your transfer takes place in one of the Schengen countries and you do not plan to leave the transit zone of the airport, then you do not need a visa in this case. It is another matter if your next plane leaves from another airport or you want to go out into the city. Find out these details when planning your trip.

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Tip: for a flight with a transfer without changing the airport, check in your baggage to the final destination. Put the most necessary things in your hand luggage - replaceable underwear, a cosmetic bag, a first-aid kit to walk around the city lightly.

2. Minimize Jetlag Risk

Changing several time zones is a big burden on the body. After a long flight, you will definitely want to sleep if you do not rest on the road. Without special preparation, your body will be confused for several days day to night.

The most common advice is to go to bed three hours in a row before flying to the West for an hour, or even two later, and, accordingly, vice versa before flying to the East. This helps the body gradually get used to the new time zone. We also recommend that you change the clock on all your devices to a new time during the flight. And if you arrive in the afternoon, try to sleep on the plane so as not to collapse into bed before dinner. Go to bed when it’s late evening in your new time zone.

3. Take care of a convenient place

Ideal if you are flying in business or first class. But in the economy it can be comfortable - you just need to know the place.

If you are not a fan of watching the entire flight through the window, it is better to sit down at the aisle. So it will be more convenient for you to get up, and you can also stretch your legs: you will want to do this more than once during a long flight.

If possible, try to take seats at the emergency exit: there will be more legroom. You can choose these places when registering online. So, if you fly on a Boeing 767, they will be in the 20-row, if on the 330-th Airbus model, then in the 28-m. In the aircraft diagram, they are designated as exit row.

4. Dress correctly

Ahead you have a few hours in a state of very limited mobility. Dress in flight so that nothing fetters your body: discard tight jeans and uncomfortable shoes. The best option is cotton pants, a T-shirt and a warm sweater or a tight cardigan that is easy to take off. And if it’s still cool on board, you can always ask for a blanket.

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During the flight, your clothes may wrinkle heavily due to a seat belt or uncomfortable posture. If you do not have the opportunity immediately upon arrival to change your outfit to clean and ironed, it is better to prefer something from a non-wrinkled fabric.

5. Take snacks and water with you

During long flights, as on any flight for more than six hours, you will be twice offered hot meals and drinks. If you are sure that you will have increased appetite along the way, stock up on snacks before you arrive at the airport. Grab and pack candies just in case: they will help you cope with motion sickness. And this is not a myth: due to pressure drops during take-off and landing, your ears may be blocked, and active swallowing and chewing movements can help correct the situation.

If you want to drink, you can always ask the flight attendant to bring you a glass of water. You can take a bottle of water with you on the road - only if you bought it already in the “clean” area (otherwise you will have to throw it away at the airport inspection stage).

6. Take care of entertainment on board

You will definitely bring a smartphone with you, and your backpack will most likely have a tablet or laptop. Do not forget to grab the noise canceling headphones and powerbank so that your gadgets work during the entire flight.

We didn’t have time to upload new films - it doesn’t matter: music and movies will definitely be on board. On long-haul flights, there are built-in multimedia systems, including with the latest movie innovations.

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In flight, it is better to find time to sleep, but if you plan instead to work or communicate in instant messengers, you can use the Internet on board for an additional fee. True, not all carriers have the technical ability for such a service.

7. Get moving!

Even after a long flight, you can feel awake if you often get up from your seat and straighten stiff limbs.

Do simple gymnastics for which you do not need a lot of space: stand on tiptoe, stretch, stretch your neck. So you will not only relieve muscle tension, but also help your vessels, which are experiencing additional stress due to pressure drops.

By the way, if you know for sure that you have problems with the vessels, consult a doctor before flying. Perhaps he will recommend that you take on board compression stockings. They will improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of leg swelling.

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