7 tips on how to survive the New Year holidays and at the same time lose weight - ForumDaily
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7 tips on how to survive the New Year holidays and at the same time lose weight

Фото: Depositphotos

It always happens unexpectedly. Here is another little piece of cake. Here is another spoon Olivier. Another sip of champagne. And everything seems to be nothing - and then - up! - plus 5 pounds. I think this feeling after the holidays, when you barely fasten jeans that were a couple of weeks ago, is difficult for any woman. Is it possible to avoid it? Of course! If you prepare well.

1. Train yourself to train

Oh, how you do not want to get up for a jog in the morning / go to the gym / do exercises - underline the necessary. I do not want just for one reason - has not yet developed a habit.

Fitness instructor Katia Kita assures: a month is enough for training to become a habit that becomes part of life. For those who need support, on the first day of the new year, she launches her author online fitness program Get.Reinvented in combination with a proper nutrition system. And it doesn’t matter at all where you live - the program will be available on any device from anywhere in the world where there is high-speed Internet.

“The main “trick” of my program is that I make it a lifestyle. The first “round” of the program lasts 30 days. During this time, participants usually achieve the most optimal result and after that they WANT to exercise,” says Katya.

According to the trainer, in order to really want to do exercises regularly, it is important to enjoy the exercises. “My main goal was to develop workouts that were not just effective, but also energizing. In addition, support is very important throughout the program, so we decided to build a community of like-minded people, the so-called “reinventors” (participants), who support each other and rejoice in everyone’s success. When you realize that you are not alone in the process of losing weight, a team spirit appears and a second wind opens. You won’t “fall off” from such a program, since many people are watching your success and progress! The responsibility for completing the program and crossing the finish line becomes a common goal,” shares the coach.

Trainer and author of the Get.Reinvented fitness program Katya Kita. Photos from the personal archive

Katya is convinced: 40-minute workouts, covering all muscle groups and including cardiac loadings, make the program available to virtually anyone. In addition, the program Get.Reinvented designed so that each participant can find a modification of the exercise that fits exactly his needs and physical level.

“It happens that a person does not need to lose weight, but simply wants to acquire relief and muscle tone. Program Get.Reinvented for him! Or, on the other hand, people want to lose weight—the average weight loss on the program in the first 30 days is 10 pounds! The program is so balanced that it gives everyone optimal results through a nutritional plan combined with high-intensity interval training. At the end of the first month, many simply need to stay in shape and reduce the number of workouts per week to 3-4,” says the coach. “It’s very easy for participants to practice at any convenient time and anywhere—in the gym or at home. All you need for training is a mat, 2 dumbbells and Internet access from any device.”

You can subscribe to the program on the website Get.Reinvented. Until 1 January, this can be done at a discount. 25%. For 50 dollars a month, you will get access to workouts, meal plan and support group in Facebook. Every registered 1 January 2018 of the year will receive in his email instructions and discount coupon. On the same day, the sale of the program will begin.

2. Get enough sleep

After all, in a dream you can not eat - which is already a big plus. But seriously, scientists have proved that with chronic sleep deprivation, hormones in the body go crazy - as a result, you are increasingly hungry. Remember, if you stay up late at the computer or with a book - sooner or later there will be a desire to go to the refrigerator with the thought “what would it be to eat so as not to get better”. That's the same thing. So you want to be slim in the holidays - march to bed! In addition, during a full sleep, there is a large consumption of calories to maintain the functional processes in the body. So “do nothing and lose weight” like time you can in a dream.

3. Eat it!

However surprising it may sound, you need to eat often. A great many of us, horrified when they notice that they don’t need kilograms before the holidays, sit on a rigid diet - and as a result gain too much with a slide during the feast. But if you stop starving yourself and eat all day, just in small portions with a break of a couple of hours, you will not allow your metabolism to “relax” and get hungry. Thus, the body will work as a debugged engine and will not store fat in reserve.

Trainer and author of the Get.Reinvented fitness program Katya Kita. Photos from the personal archive

Coach Katya Kita says: in the program Get.Reinvented There are 2 meal plans included. For most women, the daily norm is 1500 calories, for men - 1800. You don’t have to count calories yourself - you just have to follow the recipes from the proposed nutrition plan (there are more than 75 of them).

“We asked a certified nutritionist practicing in California to develop a nutrition plan for participants in our program Get.Reinvented“Katya emphasizes. — Subscribers get access to more than 75 delicious recipes. These are a wide variety of dishes, including snacks and even sweets. In addition, we have selected the main chain cafes in America - Panera Bread, Starbucks, Peet's Coffee, Cheesecake Factory, BJ's, Olive Garden, Subway, Wendy's, Chipotle, Jamba Juice - looked through their menus and wrote out what you could eat to stick to our nutritional plan in calories. If a client says: today I don’t have time to cook - he can simply buy the food we recommend in these establishments. ” The coach assures that if every day there is a tasty, healthy meal and not starve yourself, during the holidays there will be no desire to go "in the gap".

4. Drink more water

In addition to the axiom “you need a quantity of water equal to half your weight in ounces per day” (you do this, yes? At least try?), Get into the habit of drinking before eating. On the days of the holiday feast, drink a glass of water, you can with lemon, for 20 minutes before you sit down at the table. The liquid will fill the stomach - and reduce appetite. But during the holiday water is worth drinking carefully.

It is known that it dilutes digestive juices - and thus slows down the process of digesting food. That is, a glass of water should be in front of you - but it should be drunk slowly, in small sips.

5. Follow the rules at the table

For example, start with protein. Yes, yes, not from fatty salads - but, for example, from a piece baked chicken or turkey. Then you can eat according to the “one to two” principle - for every piece of fatty dish - two pieces of vegetables (just don’t pour fatty sauces and gravies on them). This way you will fill up faster than filling your stomach with heavy salads. Well, as a side dish for meat, it is better to choose not potatoes or rice, but, for example, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and any baked vegetables. This will also reduce the “heaviness” of the New Year’s table and increase the chance of not gaining weight during the holidays. And after dinner, you can eat a slice of lemon - because citric acid helps break down fats and removes toxins from the body.

6. Choose the right alcohol.

And in number six - champagne! Where would we be without it during the New Year holidays? If you want to make the feast a little less caloric, choose brut or, as a last resort, semi-dry sparkling wines. They speed up digestion, improve metabolism, and are much lower in calories than sweet or strong drinks. And if you want to further reduce the degree and calorie content, dilute the wine with water (this applies to ordinary wines; it’s better not to do this with champagne). According to nutritionists, at the holiday table it is enough to drink up to 400 ml of dry wine - this will allow you to be in a slightly elevated state, but not get drunk.

Фото: Depositphotos

7. Get moving!

The next morning after a feast, of course, most of all I want to lie under the tree and watch your favorite movies. Admit it, you did it last year. And before last. And in this - stand up and go skating, for example. So you can burn about 300 calories per hour. Or go to the mountain, if they are in your area - and go skiing - minus the 400 calories per hour provided. Or just go for a walk - the morning after the holiday the streets are so magically deserted. Take a camera with you or just a phone - take a few shots, wander around, think about the past year, discuss your plans for the coming year with your friends - and you will not notice how you wind a certain number of kilometers, and everything eaten at the festive table will go away, like did not have. Happy holidays! And let not one extra kilogram overshadow them!

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