7 problems that arise with buying a house in the USA - ForumDaily
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7 problems that come with buying a home in the USA

Nobody likes spending money on unforeseen problems, but sometimes it seems like it's a tradition for new homeowners. Real Estate. "Most unexpected surprises are because people don't know what they're going to get into," says Brad Hunter, chief economist HomeAdvisor.

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Below is a list of the main problems that new homeowners may face.

1. Inconvenient location

Buying a charming house across the street from high school seemed not such a bad idea at first. However, when you do not have children, and on weekdays you like to sleep a little longer, then most likely such an arrangement of the house can be a hindrance.

Pay attention not only to the good interior of the house, but also to the location. “If you don't like the area, don't buy a house because you can change the interior but not the surrounding area,” says Kim Wirtz, a real estate agent. Century 21 in Lockport, Illinois.

2. High monthly mortgage payment

One of the most popular problems is the monthly payment on mortgage loans. Many people, after entering into a contract, find that they are unable to cover their credit. Experts recommend carefully studying all mortgage offers and programs in the market before signing documents.

3. Old communications and other parts of the house

An old roof, water heater, stove or other infrastructure parts of the house will most likely require replacement. If you do not pay attention to the life of the main communications at home, then there is a chance that you will have to pay extra money for the replacement. HomeAdvisor in 2015, it was discovered that 75% of homeowners face an unforeseen emergency within a year of purchase.

4. Air conditioning

Experts note that many homeowners have problems with air conditioning throughout the year from the moment they buy property. The reason is not always associated with a breakdown, some people do not like the power of the air conditioner. Therefore, when buying a house is also worth paying attention to it.

5. Inconspicuous water leakage

Another problem that homeowners face is the invisible leakage of pipes in the house. This problem is extremely difficult to detect. The pipes lie in the walls and minor damage to them may be invisible when buying a home. However, excessive moisture leads to mold, which can be dangerous to health.

6. Repair Costs

Mortgage for repairs on 10% more than you expect to spend. Poll HomeAdvisor showed that 51% of homeowners spent more time and money on repairs than they expected. The reasons for the delay and additional expenses were related to the fact that the contractor discovered unclear problems in the house that need to be repaired (problems with pipes or wiring).

7. Problems grow like a snowball

Sometimes it seems that the problems arising in the house are like a snowball and it is impossible to deal with them. Experts recommend to make a list of problems and prioritize. First of all, problems related to the security of the house, for example, a broken tap or leakage of pipes or old tiles, need to be solved, but the replacement of a dishwasher can wait.

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