6 expired foods everyone eats: how dangerous it is
It is far from always obvious which product has already deteriorated and which one can still be eaten, especially if its shelf life is not three days and not a week. Of course, your safety should always be a priority, but you should also think about the fact that every year Americans voluntarily throw out almost 40% of their food. According to the US Department of Agriculture, this is the equivalent of more than $ 160 billion annually, writes Travel + Leasure.
Expiration dates are always given with some reserve - after all, they are not regulated by federal law - the “best by” or “use by” date usually indicates the period of time when the quality of the product will be at its highest. So, regardless of whether some foods are technically safe to eat, you may notice a change in their taste, color or texture. If you notice that food smells bad or looks strange, don't eat it. But if everything is ok, you can decide what to do next.
1. Spice
Of course, old coriander and cumin won't kill you. But they may have virtually no taste. This is a shame, considering that spices are intended to do just the opposite: they are a means of expressing and enhancing the flavor of a dish. Spices lose their taste and aroma over time, and their “blooming” period is much shorter than we expect. Most spices stay good for about three years, but by the end of that period, nutmeg won't taste anything like your favorite spice.
To keep dried spices as fresh and flavorful as possible, buy whole foods whenever possible and grind them before using. Because the whole product has less surface area exposed to oxygen—the main enemy of storage—they will retain their flavor longer. It is better to buy in specialized places rather than supermarkets. And try not to purchase spices in bulk or in large quantities.
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2. Sausages
The safety of such a product is a serious issue. Vacuum sealed plastic packaging and the idea that the sausages have been heavily processed make consumers think that deli ham, turkey, roast beef and other deli meats can be eaten for weeks on end. But most cut meat producers, including major brands like Boar's Head, say meat is only considered optimally fresh within three days of purchase. Eat it within a week or so, but if you notice any unpleasant odors (especially ammonia, vinegar, or yeast odors), mold, or slimy textures on the meat, discard it.
3. Garlic
Garlic should be stored in a dry, cool, dark place in the pantry. It is quite natural that some people forget how long it lay there. A whole head of garlic, unpeeled and untouched, can be considered fresh for about 6 months. Garlic cloves - single, unpeeled - are good for consumption within 3 weeks, peeled - for one week. If you chop a clove of garlic with a knife, it will go bad within a few hours (unless you coat it with olive oil, which will keep it fresh for a couple more days). If you see small green sprouts on the garlic or the cloves become soft, throw them away - they will spoil the dish.
4. Mayonnaise
If you still have a can of mayonnaise from potato salad prepared for Thanksgiving, please dispose of it (and next time for the holidays, buy a smaller can). According to the US Department of Agriculture, mayonnaise can only be eaten for 2 months after opening the container. This is another problem associated with date marking: most likely, the bank has an expiration date that expires somewhere in the distant future, but this only applies to an unopened bank. If you eat expired mayonnaise, then you seriously risk getting sick.
5. Liquid eggs / egg substitutes
Liquid eggs and egg substitutes in unopened packages are usually usable for several months. But if you open the package on Monday morning, expect them to go bad on Wednesday, at best on Thursday. According to Foodsafety.gov, open containers with liquid eggs are best used within 3 days and should not be frozen.
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6. Bread
You probably eat bread past its expiration date on a regular basis, and it's usually no big deal. But if you notice an unusual odor or spots of mold, throw the bread away immediately. Stale slices can be turned into breadcrumbs or breadcrumbs, or put in the freezer, so the bread can be used for three months or even longer.
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