6 daily items for which you can earn - ForumDaily
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6 daily items for which you can earn

Why throw things in the trash if you can give them a second life or recycle?

April 22nd is Earth Day and a great way to celebrate is by recycling items you would normally throw away. Besides sorting items from the waste stream, you can also earn extra money or help someone.

You can bring to processing a huge number of items in exchange for cash or thanks.

Edition The Penny Hoarder has prepared data on how to find a recycling center.

Search for a collection point

To find a recycling center near you, go to Earth911.com and enter the name of the item you want to recycle, as well as your location. The site lists gathering points for everything from antifreeze to ammunition.

Of course, you are not paid for recycling, but it is important to properly dispose of potentially dangerous items.

Prepare products for recycling

Check with your local collection office to find out if you need to somehow prepare recyclable materials.

Some centers require you to remove bottle caps, rinse them, or sort them by color. Before you go for recycling, check the rules. This will then save your time.

If you give away your mobile phone or other electronics, be sure to remove all personal information from it, including contact lists, voice mail, text messages, photos and passwords. Remove everything that strangers should not see.


What to recycle for cash

Depending on where you live, you can get paid for recycling certain items.

Here are some common options.

1. Scrap metal

Scrap metal is one of the most profitable materials for recycling. For this reason, the theft of scrap metal is not unusual, and even garbage collectors are sometimes searched in search of metal.

Copper, steel and aluminum are just a few of the metals you can recycle for money. Use search Google in your area to find local scrap for waste.

You can earn money by recycling various metals. Be sure to contact your local scrap yard to find out what is accepted there and review the reception procedure.

2. Bottles and jars

Writer Penny Harriner earned $ 1500 in cash on the jars he collected at work. You too can earn money by cooperating with friends, family or the whole house if you live in a high-rise building.

In California, 5 cents are offered for most plastic and glass bottles and aluminum cans less than 710 ml, 10 cents for containers larger than 710 ml.

Many states have a deposit or payment for processing cans and bottles, so be sure to check the rates in your area.

3. Car batteries

Advance Auto Parts Offers a $ 10 gift card for customers who bring their own used car batteries (light truck vehicles are also accepted).

If the company does not have a representative office near you, call local auto parts stores to find out about a similar deal.

4. Ink cartridges

A number of office supply stores, including Staples и Office Depot, accept used ink cartridges for recycling. AT Staples offer $ 2 per cartridge and maximum 20 returns per month.

Office Depot offers 200 points and a limit of up to 10 cartridges per month, but you must also make a purchase of $ 10 during this month.

The number of cartridges that you recycle is not limited, but you will receive points only for the first 10 returns per month. You can use your points to get various benefits and discounts.

5. Electronics

Eco-cell is one of many companies that offers cash for old cell phones and other electronics. The company accepts working or defective phones, tablets, rechargeable batteries, circuit boards and other electronics.

Even if the item is damaged or has been in the water and has become unusable, Eco-cell will take it. The company wants to remove electronics from landfills and properly dispose of toxic components and metals in each product.

Despite the fact that Eco-cell he does not report his prices, he offers a share of income in these products, and in the frequently asked questions section he asks for a price offer.

Many cell phone providers, including Verizon and AT&T, have exchange programs in which you can receive a voucher, gift card or other reward for including your old phone. Amazon Trade-in can also help you earn gift cards.

A number of charitable organizations also accept mobile phones. HopeLine 180 donated thousands of phone numbers to victims of domestic violence and survivors. Cell Phones for Soldiers will repair and sell your old phone to servicemen and veterans.

If the phone is too old or broken, Cell Phones for Soldiers sell it to processors, who will disassemble it for parts. Proceeds from the sale of funds go to the purchase of international calling cards for the troops and "provide emergency financial assistance to veterans."

And, of course, you can always sell your old phone yourself.

6. Unusual recyclable materials

When you think about recycling, you probably think about bottles and cans. But you can recycle strange items, ranging from wine corks and ending with food packaging.

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