5 ways to get free Amazon gift cards - ForumDaily
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5 ways to get free Amazon gift cards

Amazon gift cards are one of the most popular forms of payment for those looking for quick and easy extra income online. And this is not surprising - the variety of products on the website of this online retailer makes it possible to purchase almost everything you need with a gift card, or simply sell the card for cash.

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Edition The brainy penny gathered 5 easy ways to get Amazon gift cards for free.

1. Junkie survey

Junkie is one of the most trusted online survey sites. Site users get points for each completed survey, which can be turned into Amazon gift cards, cards from other electronic stores, and in some cases you can receive money for your surveys into your PayPal account.

Most survey sites offer users only two or three surveys per month, and Junkie gives you the opportunity to participate in them daily.

2. Harris poll

Harris poll is one of the oldest research companies in the United States. In addition to earning points for each survey that can be redeemed for gift cards, Harris Poll offers users bi-weekly as well as quarterly prize drawings. Unlike most research sites, Harris Poll does not offer surveys about consumer products, but rather on topics related to politics and current events.

3. Nielsen National Consumer Panel

Nielsen known as one of the most respected market research companies in the world. With Nielsen, you can get paid for participating in a wide range of surveys. In addition to surveys, the Nielsen National Consumer Panel will pay users for scanning the barcodes of their products.

One of the options to get paid is Amazon gift cards.

4. Ipsos i-say

Ipsos I-Say Offers rewards (including Amazon gift cards) for participating in surveys and product testing. To reward those who frequently participate in surveys, Ipsos also offers loyalty bonuses based on the number of surveys you complete. You can earn up to 600 bonus points for the year.

Ipsos is also introducing prize draws among users - large sums of money and free travel.

5. iPoll

iPoll rewards you for providing reviews about products and services that you use in your daily life. You'll be able to earn popular gift cards, cash rewards, and the chance to be entered into a drawing for a quarterly $10 prize.

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