5 Simple and Effective Ways to Calm Down Quickly
Meditation has been shown to be effective in improving sleep, concentration, and stress management. Dr. Esther Sternberg, a physician and author of Well at Work: Creating Wellbeing in Any Workspace, suggests practicing “micromeditations.” These are simple actions that take little time and require little training, she explains. CNBC.
So, here are 5 simple techniques for peace of mind:
Deep breathing exercises
With your hands on your stomach, take deep breaths from your diaphragm. Try to move your stomach outward as you inhale. Dr. Sternberg recommends the 4-7-8 technique»: inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds. This helps to quickly "slow down" the stress response.
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Focus your attention on something
For example, look out the window and notice how the sunlight falls on the leaves. This helps to distract yourself from anxiety. A similar technique is used in the 5-4-3-2-1 method»: Find with your eyes 5 things that you see, 4 that you can touch, 3 that you can hear, 2 that you can smell, and 1 that you can taste.
Spend time in nature
Walking in a park or green space, taking deep breaths, and walking slowly can help promote relaxation. Walking in the woods allows you to inhale the volatile organic compounds released by plants, which can help promote relaxation. Even walking in a park with mindful attention to nature can help you unwind.
Practice gratitude
The Choctaw people have a tradition of starting the day by being grateful for everything around them - trees, homes, loved ones.
Expressing gratitude stimulates the release of “happiness hormones” — dopamine and endorphins. Keeping a gratitude journal also helps increase optimism.
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Have a cup of tea
Traditional tea ceremonies in Japan focus on gratitude for the moment, the cup, the teapot, and the process itself. This can become a form of meditation.
Such methods do not require special training and can be used in almost any conditions.
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