5 of the best Russian TV shows: how to watch them for free in the US - ForumDaily
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5 best Russian TV series: how to watch them for free in the US

Do you like “Striped Flight” or “Three Plus Two”? Do you want to show your children and grandchildren living in America “Masha and the Bear”, “The Fixies” or “Alice Through the Looking Glass”? Do you follow the latest in Russian cinema? Then you should go to the online cinema “Russian Cinema”.

The library of Ruskino.net has more than 10 000 films, cartoons and serials produced in Russia and the USSR with Russian and English subtitles. They are available to users all over the world and on all devices. Residents of America, who know how difficult it is to find Russian films in good quality and on the legal Internet site, can evaluate the Russian Cinema portal themselves, especially since by subscribing, all movies within 30 days can be watched for free.

Internet cinema "Russian Cinema" was presented on the international market with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the company "ROSKINO". And now Russian cinema can always be at your fingertips. And as a clue that you can watch this weekend, the Internet-cinema "Russian Cinema" specially for ForumDaily prepared a selection of the best Russian TV series.


Shot from the series

1940 year, Mexico City. Her fiancé, a Canadian Stalinist journalist Frank Jackson, comes to the secretary of Trotsky Silvia Ageloff. At first, he causes rejection in Trotsky, but it turns out that after a verbal scuffle, Trotsky begins to tell Jackson about the key moments of his life and suddenly realizes that he has a need to convey to people information about many events exactly as Trotsky himself perceived to convince Stalinist Jackson and people like him. Jackson becomes a welcome guest in Trotsky's house.

You can watch the show after registration here.

2. The Master and Margarita

Shot from the series

In Moscow 1934, Woland appears, that is, Satan, with his retinue. Woland is interested in new people in a society created independently of religious consciousness. He meets on the Patriarch's Ponds the writer, the chairman of MASSOLIT Berlioz and the poet Homeless, talking about the unsuccessful attempt of the poet to depict Jesus.

You can watch the show after registration here.

3. Shtrafbat

Shot from the series

The military historians do not like talking about penalties, their common graves are nameless. The penalties were thrown at the most impenetrable areas of the Germans' defense. The shtrafbath was not necessarily supplied with ammunition and provisions, often they procured food and weapons themselves, in battle. Death surrounded them from all sides: enemy machine guns were mowed down in front of them, and machine guns from the NKVD frontiers detached from behind. The series tells about the tragic fate of the penalty box, whose lives sought victory in the most difficult period of the Great Patriotic War ...

You can watch the show after registration here.

4. Vangelia

Shot from the series

The series is built on the outright stories of elderly Wangi about the most significant episodes of her past life to an unknown student of the journalism department from Russia Alisa Varezhkina, whom Wanga chose from a thirsting interview for a large journalistic crowd, allowing the girl to shoot everything she saw and heard on a video camera. In particular, Wangelia shared with Alice her memories of her meetings with well-known Russian statesmen, such as Boris Yeltsin, on whose behalf secretly came to Vanga Sergey Medvedev, a spokesman for the Russian president, asking about Yeltsin’s chances of winning presidential election in Russia in 1996 yearas well as the President of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinovwho came to consult with a visionary, where it is better to build an oil plant. Medvedev and Ilyumzhinov played in the series the role of themselves.

You can watch the show after registration here.

5. Palmist

Shot from the series

The main character is a student of Yaroslavl Technical University Sergey Ryabinin, who grew up without a father. The father left the family to devote himself to the study of palmistry. Signs on the hands of his wife and child talked about imminent tragedy, if the father remains in the family, and he made the difficult decision - to leave. After the death of his father, an unknown person gives Sergey a book on palmistry, saying that his father really wanted this book after his death to fall into the hands of his son. Sergey proceeds to study his father’s book and diary, which speaks of a strange sign in his palm.

You can watch the show after registration here.

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