35 iPhone Features You Could Not Know - ForumDaily
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35 iPhone Features You Could Not Know

Many users prefer iPhone for reliability and convenience, but this device has many hidden features that will make its use even more convenient.

Фото: Depositphotos

Their list was collected edition "Lifehacker.

Keyboard shortcuts

1. Taking pictures without using the touch screen

Just call Crab long touch to the button Home and ask to turn on the camera. To take a photo, press any volume button on your smartphone or headphones.

2. Emergency reboot

In the rare cases where iPhone freezes or you need to free up the device’s RAM, an emergency reboot will help. Just 10 seconds hold down Home and lock button.

3. Triple push button Home

Go to "Universal Access" in the main settings iPhone. Rewind down to the "Keyboard shortcut" tab - you will see a list of functions. Triple tap the button Home can run VoiceOver, color inversion (useful for reading), some display settings, screen magnification, and Switch Control or AssistiveTouch.

To include a magnifying glass triple-click Home, just select the corresponding item in “Universal Access”.

4. Double tap on button sensor Home

Perhaps all users iPhone know that double pressing the mechanical button Home opens the application selection window. But not everyone knows that the double tap on the button sensor “lowers” ​​the screen a bit, allowing owners of large smartphones to easily reach the top icons.

5. Use Touch 3D

If you iPhone 6s or newer use Touch 3D can make your life easier and save time. This technology will speed up the movement between applications, make typing more convenient and Not only.

6. Reassign volume buttons

В iPhone There are two volume settings: the first is for calls and notifications, the second is for music and applications. Turning off the “Change by buttons” switch in the sound settings will lock the ringer volume at the current position and transfer control of the music and applications to side buttons.

Work with text

7. Undo last action

Just shake your smartphone, and iOS prompts you to undo the last action, be it typing, inserting, or, conversely, deleting text.

8. Quick domain entry

In cases where the keyboard offers you a quick entry of the domain.comHold your finger on this button. You will see a list of popular domains where you can quickly switch to the option you need.

9. Remove microphone icon from keyboard

The microphone icon between the space bar and the language change button is designed for voice input. You can remove the icon by moving the “Enable Dictation” slider in the inactive position in the keyboard settings.

10. Listening to the text

iOS supports screen out loud function. To enable it, activate the slider in the speech settings: "Settings" "Basic" "Universal access". To iPhone spoke the text on the screen, slide two fingers from top to bottom in any application.


11. Create a password to unlock

If you do not trust four or six-digit passwords and do not like technology touch IDyou can set a long alphanumeric password.

Go to the password code settings and select "Change password code". The system will require you to first enter the old combination, and then a new one. On the screen to enter a new password, click on "Password Code Parameters" and select an acceptable option.

12. Improve Touch ID accuracy

That iPhone more confidently and quickly recognize you, create multiple prints of the same finger.

13. Creating hidden photos

If you take photos in a standard camera application, they will be saved in the library. To protect the photo with a password, you must resort to tricks. Disable the photo export and set the password in the Notes application settings. To take a secret picture, go to create a new note and tap on the camera icon. After the photo is taken, click on “Export” and select “Block note”.

14. Guide access

We often give the smartphone into the wrong hands, “pass the level in the game”, “read the article” or “video on YouTube look". If you do not trust someone who will use your iPhone, turn on the guide-access in the settings: "Basic" "Universal access" Guide-access.

Conveying iPhone someone press button three times Home to enable guide access, and the person will be able to use only the open application.


15. "Whose is it iPhone

If you find lost iPhone, contact with its owner without entering a password will help Crab. Ask her "Whose is this iPhone? "Or" Who owns this iPhone? ”, And in front of you a window opens with the name of the host gadget.

To find your iPhone could find you this way, go to settings Crab and in the “Data” tab, assign a contact with information about yourself.

16. Male voice Crab

Not everyone knows, but our faithful electronic assistant can speak in a pleasant male voice. This option is available in the settings. Crab.


17. Call the last number dialed

To repeat the last call, it is not necessary to go to the "Recent" tab. Click on the green tube on the screen with the keys, and iPhone will offer to call back the last number dialed.

18. Quick access to your favorite contacts

To quickly dial important numbers, add them to the Favorites tab in the standard Phone application. Swipe to the right on the desktop, go to the widget panel. Rewind down and click "Edit", and then tap on the plus in the "Favorites" widget. Now you can call your loved ones faster and even with the screen locked.

19. Definition of incoming call in headphones

Answering calls from headphones is sometimes much easier than reaching for a phone. To find out who is calling you without reaching iPhone From your pocket, turn on the Call Ads toggle in the phone settings.


20. Delete old messages

Deleting irrelevant messages will help restore order in the correspondence and free up precious megabytes of memory. Find the “Leave Messages” item in the settings and set the required time after which the messages will be deleted.

21. Saving traffic in the "Messages"

In order not to waste traffic on heavy investments, turn on low quality mode in message settings.

22. Posting time

One of the unobvious functions of “Messages” is to view the exact time of sending. Just swipe from the right side of the screen.

Alarm clock

23. Call setup from Apple Music

The ability to set your favorite song on the alarm clock is not a trick, but a basic function iPhone, which many do not know. When creating a new alarm clock, click on the “Sound” tab. Wrap the list to the very beginning, before the standard ringtones, find the panel with the familiar names and click on "Song Select".

24. Snooze alarm

To transfer the alarm to a later time, it is not necessary to search for the corresponding button on the screen. Click on any side button, and iPhone wake you up again in 9 minutes.

Such an interval is not accidental: the old mechanical alarms could not count exactly 600 seconds. They did not take into account the current minute and started the countdown already nine minutes from the next.


25. Search by word on page

Enter the desired word in the address bar. In the pop-up menu under search engine suggestions, select the item “On this page.”

26. Recently closed tabs

Go to screen safariin which previews of open pages are shown, and hold your finger on the “+” button. You will see a list of recently closed tabs. This is useful if you accidentally closed a long-opened page that is difficult to find in the history of the browser.

27. Page conversion Safari to PDF-file

Open the tab you want to transfer to PDF-document, click "Share" and send the page to print. In the preview window that opens, select the desired page and move two fingers apart from its center. In the window safari will open PDF-file.

28. Opening links in the background

If you often click on links, and you don’t want to break away from reading long text, set the mode for displaying new tabs in the background. You can enable this option by selecting the “Links” item in the settings. safari.

Other basic applications and services

29. Spotlight as a converter

Swipe down on any screen iPhone opens Spotlight. Its use significantly reduces the time to search for something in the smartphone. Spotlight Produces results from many applications: helps you find the right podcast, message by keyword or person in Twitter. Also, a standard search engine can act as a converter. Just enter the query “1 usdOr "15 inches in cm."

30. Slow-motion video conversion to normal

If you have played with the function of slow motion and accidentally shot in slow motion what would look better at natural speed, easily bring the video to the original pace without additional applications. Open the video editing section and adjust the values ​​on the speed bar. This band is located above the timing field, where we usually cut the rollers.

31. Level

Compass in the basic configuration of applications is almost useless in the city. But if you tap the screen to the left, you can get a level - an indispensable device for repair and installation.

32. Storage Optimization Apple Music

Turn on the storage optimization feature in the music settings, and iPhone will automatically delete songs that you rarely listen to. This will happen only when the device's memory ends.

To set the minimum amount of music that iPhone will not be removed, you can assign the size of the repository.

33. Geolocation Reminders

Task managers in App Store They offer a lot of features, but standard “Reminders” are also capable of a lot of things. For example, the basic application may remind you to buy milk not only in 15: 00, but also when visiting a store. To enable this feature, select "Remind by location" and find the desired geolocation in the task settings.


34. Enable power saving mode

If iPhone more than 20% of charge remains, but it is still very far from the nearest outlet, it makes sense to switch to power saving mode. To enable mode, simply ask for it. Crab or find the corresponding item in the battery settings. In these settings, you can also find a list of the most energy-intensive applications and close them in a timely manner.

35. Silent charging connection

Vibration when charging is connected to iPhone can be avoided by opening the Camera app before joining lightning-cable The device will begin to charge, and your sensitively sleeping relatives will not be awakened by a sudden sound.

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