3 way to get discount on business class tickets - ForumDaily
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3 way to get discount on business class tickets

Premium class — from folding chairs to chic airport lounges with an unlimited number of free cocktails — may seem like an inaccessible luxury for many travelers. In the end, a flight to a business class can cost $ 2500 round trip, writes CNN Money.

In fact, any traveler can find cheap tickets in business class, following the proposals of airlines, which issue tickets at special fares or open other promotions.

Travelers should also study the differences between the types of business class cabins, first class and economy class. Each company has its own definition. For example, business-class chairs on the new Boeing 777 company Lufthansa may seem a throne, while a regional airline business class will look more modest.

Understanding the differences can help you find a truly lucrative offer and estimate how much you are willing to pay to improve the placement characteristics.

Offer business classes from airlines

Airline Emirates, for example, often arranges sales not only in economy class, but also in business class.
During a recent sale Cyber ​​monday the cost of tickets for a business class round trip to Italy started at $ 2999. Usually such places cost more than $ 5000. The company also arranges promotions for selling tickets to the 2 business class at the price of 1, which makes travel easier if you fly together.

Airline The Company also holds regular promotions within the framework of which you can buy a ticket for $ 1000 for the flight New York-Paris. As additional privileges, you can access the lounge area at the airport, a set of amenities Caudalie and free Wi-Fi.

There are also promotions when a one-way ticket priced at $ 1009,20 becomes a return ticket.

Thrifty traveler recently discovered an error with an airline Aeromexico. On flights to Chile, tickets for seats with folding seats cost just $ 1092 (in economy class, tickets often cost more than $ 800), while tickets to Peru cost only $ 548 round trip.

And last month The flight deal reported the possibility to book a ticket from the west coast to London for $ 1 522 in a luxurious cabin La Première Air France.

But with such errors in systems it is worth being careful, as in some cases, airlines may refuse to carry out these transactions. When booking such great deals, you should always wait for confirmation of the airline.

In addition to buying tickets at a discount, travelers can get tickets to the first and business class at competitive prices after earning miles. One day, blogger Sam Juan was thus able to make the trip for as little as $ 79, with the usual ticket price $ 7 000.

Business class auctions

A number of major airlines such as Cathay Pacific, Virgin Atlantic and Etihad arrange auctions to sell the remaining places in the business and first classes.
Travelers can usually bid 20% less than the market price.

In addition to online auctions, most airlines offer the traveler the opportunity to improve flight performance during check-in, although this is unlikely to bring you the expected savings.

Fly low cost airlines

For example, the Icelandic budget operator WOW Air have a product called WOW Biz. This is not a business class in the usual sense, but you will get many benefits, such as baggage check-in, free meals and priority boarding.

At the airline JetBlue's MintPerhaps the most profitable premium offers. For example, you can buy tickets from them. Mint-one-way class from New York to the Caribbean for $ 300.

You get super-comfortable seats that fold out and snacks from Birchbox.

While most companies offer cheap business class tickets for short flights, this carrier offers such tickets for international flights.

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