27 best places to stay with kids in San Francisco - ForumDaily
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Xnumx best places to stay with kids in san francisco

Facebook California Academy of Sciences

San Francisco is a favorite destination of travelers who like steep hills, scenic landscapes, cable cars and the famous Golden Gate Bridge. But it is also a great place for a family holiday. There are lots of interesting rides that will appeal to children.

We have put together 27 places for you, a visit to which will give unforgettable impressions to your children.

1. Discovery Museum Bay area

In order to get to this children's museum, you will have to cross the Golden Gate Bridge, but it's worth it.

Museum Bay Area Discovery located on the bay near Sausalito. It offers many indoor / outdoor hands-on activities for children from 6 months to 10.

Don't forget to visit the Lookout Cove, a 2,5-acre open area with pools, gravel pits, fishing boats and caves.

557 McReynolds Rd

Sausalito, CA

(415) 339-3900

2. Park bernal heights

If you are in the area Bernal heights, then go straight to the local park. For a 30 minute walk along a dirt road, you will appreciate the 360-degree view of the bay, the city center, the Golden Gate Bridge, the East Bay and the San Bruno mountain.

At the top of the hill there is also a swing and a dog park. After visiting the park, we recommend a stroll through Cortland Avenue and have a meal in one of the nice restaurants.

10 Bernal Heights Blvd

San Francisco, California.

3. California Academy of Sciences

Golden Gate Park is home to one of the largest natural history museums in the world, the California Academy of Sciences.

Do not miss the opportunity to visit a fantastic aquarium, a planetarium and a domed four-story rainforest that boasts animals that live in three different ecosystems.

55 Music Concourse Dr

San Francisco, California

(415) 379-8000

4. Castro Theater

Adults know Castro thanks to stylish shops and popular bars and restaurants. But in San Francisco you can watch a movie in the old theater. Castrobuilt in 1922 year. It often shows old classic films and plays music from Hollywood films.

429 Castro St

San Francisco, California

(415) 864-5000

5. Children's Art Museum

The Museum of Children's Art is a space where children can feel like real artists. Here they will be able to sculpt from clay, build their own car, and try themselves as a rock star in a music studio.

221 4th St

San Francisco, California

(415) 820-3320

6. City Lights Book Store

Since 1953 year City Lights Bookstore was an icon in the literary world of San Francisco. This is the first bookstore to sell books in paperback.

Now there is a very large department of children's literature.

261 Columbus Ave

San Francisco, California

(415) 362-8193

7. Coit tower

This 210 foot concrete tower, built in 1933, is located at the top of the park. Pioneer. If you take the elevator to the very top of the tower, you will get a 360-degree view of the city. Also, be sure to check out the frescoes inside the tower. They depict life in California during the Great Depression.

1 Telegraph Hill Blvd

San Francisco, California

(415) 362-0808

8. de young museum

In this museum of fine arts in the park Golden Gate There is plenty of entertainment for adults, but children can also have fun here.

View the sculpture garden, warrior masks and take the elevator to the observation deck of the museum.

The museum has an artist’s studio where children can study drawing on Saturdays for free.

50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr

San Francisco, California

(415) 750-3600

9. Park Dolores Playground

This relatively new playground is between Castro and mission. Here you will find plenty of swings, bouldering rocks and wooden boats.

19th & Dolores St

San Francisco, California.

10. Exploratorium

Head towards Embaracdero and immerse yourself in science. Here, almost all the exhibits are interactive. Children can end up in a tornado, count rings on an 300-year-old tree, and even build their own electrical circuits. Adults will not be bored here either.

Pier 15

San Francisco, California

(415) 528-4444

11. Fort Funston

If you like walking on a sandy beach, then Fort Funston is for you. Steep cliffs frame the coastline and create the perfect seascape. Children, adults and dogs can frolic by running along the seashore.

Here you can also ride a hang glider.

500 Skyline Blvd

San Francisco, California.

12. House of air

If you are looking for entertainment in the indoor space, then visit the park. Crissy Field in San Francisco. Here you can jump on all kinds of trampolines.

926 Old Mason St.

San Francisco, California

(415) 345-9675

13. Julius Kahn Playground and Club

In this park, children can go climbing, ride a roller coaster and play in the sand. And adults can admire the view of the bridge. Golden Gate and mountain Tamalpais.

3206 W Pacific Ave

San Francisco, California.

14 Playground in the Koret quarter

Children's playground at the zoo Golden Gatenamed Children's Quarter Koret, is a magical space with concrete slides, rocky walls, a playground and a large area of ​​picnic lawns.

But the main feature of the park is the magnificent carousel, built in 1914, with 62 animal figures that you can ride on.

320 Bowling Green Dr

San Francisco, California.

15. Trip to the edge of the world

This small hike is suitable for children who are just beginning to get used to going hiking. The tour starts and ends at the ruins of the towers. Sutro - a former public bath that burned to the ground in 1966. The route is only 2,9 miles.

680 Point Lobos Ave

San Francisco, CA 94121.

16. Letterman Digital Art Center

Located in Presidio, Center Lettermann Digital and New Media Arts is the home of Lucas films. Star Wars fans will be delighted with the life-sized Yodo sculpture and costumes from the Star Wars series. In addition, there is an ideal place for a picnic.

1 Letterman Dr

San Francisco, CA, 94129

(415) 746-8000

17. Ocean beach

On the most western side of the city, adjacent to the park Golden Gate on 3,5 miles stretched Ocean Beach, with 3,5 miles of white beaches next to two giant windmills. This place is the best choice for lovers of walks and beach picnics.

Point lobos ave

San Francisco, California

(415) 561-4323

18. Presidio San Francisco

В Garrison you can admire the sculptures carved in the trees

by the British artist Andy Goldsworthy, and children can explore tree groves and hidden forts.

Golden Gate National Recreation Area

San Francisco, California

(415) 561-4323

19. Randall Museum

The museum is expected to open in the fall of 2017. The Randall Museum in an interactive form will acquaint students with science, flora and fauna. Children will also be able to try their hand at ceramics and cut a sculpture out of wood.

745 Treat Ave

San Francisco, California.

20. San Francisco Cable Car Museum

Be sure to visit the cable car museum. Children will be delighted to see the cable car and different models of transport. In addition, the museum is free.

1201 Mason St

San Francisco, California

(415) 474-1887

21. San Francisco National Historical Park

In this park, children will be able to see the historic ships on the pier of Hyde Street, as well as take a walk along the beautiful sandy beach.

Beach st

San Francisco, California

(415) 447-5000

22. Seward street slides

This mini-park is located not far from Castro and built in 1973 year. It boasts a rare collection of plants. In addition, there is an amazing slide. Children will be delighted.

30 Seward St

San Francisco, CA 94114.

23. Spreckels lake

Hotel Spreckels lake located on the north side of the park Golden Gatebut. He is the home of the San Francisco Yacht Club. Here you can watch the work of yachtsmen and spend amazing time during a picnic.

30 Seward St

San Francisco, California.

24. Stow lake

In the heart of the park Golden Gate located Stow lake is a great place to rent a boat for an outing. There are boats designed for 6 people.

50 Stow Lake Dr

San Francisco, CA 94118.

25. Butterfly Joint

Butterfly Joint is a woodworking and design studio for children aged 2 years and above. Children spend hours with punch cards, learn traditional carpentry techniques and create stunning works of art with their own hands.

2640 Mission Sreet

San Francisco, California.

26. Urban putt

Older children will love this weird indoor mini-golf course with 14 holes putt putt. For parents there is a bar.

1096 S Van Ness Ave

San Francisco, California

(415) 341-1080

27. Baker beach

Baker Beach, located below the rocky cliffs on the western shoreline Garrison, is a good choice for picnics (there are tables, toilets and grills in the eastern part of the car park) and sand castles.

1504 Pershing Dr

San Francisco, California

(415) 561-4323

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