21 sites where you can find remote work or freelance - ForumDaily
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21 sites where you can find remote work or freelance

Freelancing is a great option for a part-time job or even a full-time job. Yes, there is high competition, you need English, but the income is good. Edition Lifehacker made a selection of labor exchanges where you sell your skills dearly.

Photo: Shutterstock

But it’s worth preparing for the fact that working from home or freelancing requires military discipline. If you have no problems with self-organization, then start looking for suitable vacancies for you.

1. Angel list. Being a part of a startup is not only fashionable, but also promising: in a small, dynamically developing company there are more chances to break up. AngelList knows over a thousand startups who need skilled hands.

2. Authentic Jobs. The job board indiscreetly calls itself the best place for designers, hackers and creative professionals. The Wi-Fi icon opposite the offer means remote employment - it’s very convenient to navigate.

3. Career builder. One of the largest thematic resources in the USA. There is no separate section with remote work here, but the search understands telecommute or remote requests.

4. Dribbble. The site is designed for digital artists, game designers and interface wizards. In the right column there is a switch between remote and work with reference to the place.

5. Indeed. Behind a simple Indeed interface hides good functionality, in particular, you can set additional search conditions. Among them are location, exact occurrence of keywords, annual income and much more.

6. Fiverr. Freelance exchange for online marketers, sound editors, advertisers and many other creative people.

7. Flexjobs. 55 categories of full-time, part-time and freelance job openings. It is noteworthy that FlexJobs employees browse hundreds of industry blogs and official employer pages every day to provide only proven, quality offers.

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8. Freelancer. Freelancer never stops the counter of new tasks. There are many offers.

9. freelancer map. Thousands of ways to make money on the field of IT, two-dimensional and 3D-graphics. Other craftsmen also should not pass by so as not to miss the place of their dreams.

10. Guru. The exchange has already paid $ 200 million to freelancers. Web developers, translators and admins are in demand. Engineers and architects can also try their hand.

11. PowerToFly. Excellent techies come out of women, and the site team proves this every day. Fill out the form and the web service will select the employer according to the skills. After which you have to go through a trial period (paid, by the way).

12. Remote ok. About half a million people visit the site monthly. Here they find hot vacancies that Remote Ok collects both directly from employers and from related resources.

13. remote. Design, copywriting, tech support, marketing - all this and much more in the Remotive weekly e-newsletter. The resource is growing rapidly, and with it the interest of companies and job seekers.

14. Ruby now. The bank publishes jobs for Ruby programmers and nothing more.

15. Skillbridge. The web service is looking for truly talented, highly specialized freelancers, such as financial analysts or email marketing experts. Rare lucky ones are offered profitable projects with serious customers.

16. Skip the drive. “Why go somewhere if you can work from home?” - suggests Skip The Drive. Adhering to your idea, the site offers to calculate how much time and money the remote work saves in your case. Of course, the base of vacancies is attached.

17. The Muse. The service stands out from the competition with its attractive design. One of the sections of the site is called: “Work from home”.

18. Upwork. Create an Upwork profile to find a part-time job in mobile technology, photo retouching, web animation, and more. The company claims that over a million tenants are looking for artists here.

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19. Virtual vocations. A search engine by its own example shows that a team can do without a stuffy neighborhood and gliders on Mondays. All Virtual Vocations employees do their homework.

20. We Work Remotely. A job board lives by the principle of "nobody needs an office." This applies to both employers and workers. The site promotes the idea that the best work and an impeccable employee are unlikely to loom under your nose, they should be looked away from you.

21. Working Nomads. The search engine takes not quantity, but quality. There is a daily or weekly email list with a selection of suitable jobs.

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