20 Amazing Things You Can Buy At Costco - ForumDaily
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20 Amazing Things You Can Buy At Costco

Costco is one of America's favorite shopping destinations, in part because of the wide variety of products and services the retailer offers. And by wide variety, we mean that Costco really does sell almost everything you could need, from essentials like food and toilet paper to discount programs on cars and vacations.

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As a rule, you need to acquire a membership in order to shop at Costco and take advantage of the wholesale club offers, the basic version of which costs 60 dollars a year. More than 94 million people contribute annually to access the best products and services on the network, so Costco needs to do something right.

Edition CNBC collected some of the most amazing products and services that Costco offers its members.

1. Coffins and funeral urns

According to the National Funeral Directors Association, the average cost of a funeral in the United States is about $7360, and the average cost of a single casket is between $2000 and $5000. But Costco has premium caskets starting at $900, as well as a selection of inexpensive cremation urns.

2. Cars and trucks

You can buy or rent a car at Costco. The wholesale club collaborates with GM, which includes the brands Chevrolet, Buick, GMC and Cadillac. Members can select the appropriate cars available from their local dealer and get affordable prices for Costco members. And those who buy or rent a car can get a $ 700 dollars Costco gift card if they take a survey and talk about their buying experience.

3. Car rental

For a rental car, Costco is truly the best place. If you are a Costco member and are booking a car, you can cancel your reservation without penalty.

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4. Graceful decorations

You can also purchase unique jewelry at Costco. The club offers its members a number of expensive rings, necklaces and earrings, many of which cost much more than $ 50 000.

For newly engaged couples, Costco can also provide many details for the wedding, including cake, flowers and invitations.

5. Petrol

Costco members can get discounts on gas, up to 30 cents from the prices offered by competitors.

Aside from savings, Costco gas stations are pretty cool. As a general rule, you should know which side of your car has a gas tank, but Costco has extra long hoses that allow you to refuel from either side.

6. Glasses and eye tests

If you need contact lenses or glasses, head to Costco, which offers members discounts on all major brands and frames. In addition, you can check the condition of the eyes right in the store. Costco Eye Examination costs around $ 75, while frames and lenses cost around $ 126.

7. Gym membership

Costco offers several discounts at gymnasiums and spas throughout the country, including 24-hour fitness, the Black Rock spa in Maui, and Mountainside Fitness in Arizona. Through Costco, a two-year membership in all 24-hour fitness clubs is about $ 400 per year.

8. Health Check

Costco offers many discounted medical services for its members. Before you go to your doctor’s office or local clinic, check if your nearest Costco offers the same service at the best price. Costco provides free testing for diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart health at several locations.

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9. Hearing Aids

Costco also has hearing aids in many places, which can be very helpful. According to Consumer Reports, the network offers free hearing tests, and if you find that you really need hearing aids, Costco offers competitive prices starting at $ 1000 dollars per set, depending on the brand and the particular store. According to the store’s website, Costco also provides free cleaning and inspection of hearing aids as well as damage insurance.

In addition, Costco provides an 180-day money back guarantee, so if you have problems with your hearing aid, you can return it.

10. Home Repair Products

If you want to take on the home renovation project, you should familiarize yourself with the programs and discounts offered by Costco. The retailer has a number of home repair services, such as installing windows, flooring, and a lot of different furniture.

Costco also sells a variety of brand-name appliances, including refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, ovens and dishwashers. The network offers a two-year warranty on all of its devices, and also supplies, installs, and ships old appliances.

11. Identity Theft Protection

If you are worried about your personal data, Costco will provide you with protection. The retailer offers exhibitors the opportunity to sign up for Complete ID, Experian’s identity theft protection and credit monitoring service.

Participants will need to pay from $ 8,99 to $ 13,99 per person per month, and will receive a package with a number of services, including monitoring social security numbers and monitoring data.

12. Luxury bags

Instead of heading to your local Michael Kors or Coach boutique, visit Costco. Costco offers members from $ 10 to $ 50 discounts on handbags and wallets from some of the leading luxury brands, including Coach, Michael Kors, Rebecca Minkoff and Hilary Radley.

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13. Mortgage

Costco not only helps with home renovation, they also have a mortgage program for members to help fund a home purchase. Costco partnered with First Choice Loan Services Inc. and other participating lenders for home purchases as well as refinancing.

14. Prescription Drugs

Members can save even more on prescription and over-the-counter drugs by signing up for the Costco Member Program (CMPP). This program, which is free to participants, is not insurance, but provides additional discounts beyond the already low prices at Costco.

15. Big teddy bear

FAO Schwarz isn't the only store selling giant stuffed animals. Costco sells a huge teddy bear for about $290 that measures 93 inches (2,36 m). The bear weighs a whopping 50 pounds (22,67 kg) and is made of synthetic polyester.

16. Solar panels

Costco members in 15 states can purchase wholesale solar panels. They come with an 10% Costco Gift Card, and some programs offer members an extended panel warranty.

17. Tickets for events and theme parks

Want to do something fun this weekend? Check if Costco offers a profitable travel option before booking tickets elsewhere.

Costco offers discounted tickets to major theme parks such as Legoland and Universal Studios, as well as Broadway tickets and season passes.

18. Tires and auto parts

Costco not only sells and installs tires, but also promises maintenance—including balancing and repairs—for the life of the tire. In addition to car tires, Costco also sells tires for SUVs, trailers, and ATVs. Costco offers $110 for a set of four Michelin tires.

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In addition, if you pick up your vehicle through service centers that participate in the Costco auto program, members receive an 15% discount on parts, services and accessories.

19. Vacation

Costco has an extensive travel program for its members and can offer a really good price. Travel can include complimentary breakfasts, events, and more.

20. Victorian greenhouse

If you want to try yourself in the role of a gardener, then it is impossible to pass by this greenhouse. The retailer offers two sizes, the price starts at about $ 7000, a greenhouse almost 7 feet high (2,13 m), consists of tempered glass. Pots and shelves are included. The greenhouse is supplied in parts and requires assembly.

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