20+ expensive things that are not worth the money spent on them
Members BuzzFeed told how expensive things they bought were not worth the money spent. Yahoo shared the striking results of the survey.

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The experience of these users may save you some money.
1. 'Билеты first class for short domestic flights and not overnight flights is not worth it. It is completely justified to take such tickets for overnight or flights of 8+ hours! Otherwise it's a waste of money,” wrote angiemaries.
2. "Powerful" компьютер. It may be necessary for those who really need a good and cool computer for work or games, but I don't need it for anything. I bought a really good computer for a lot of money. I only use it for Netflix and YouTube,” said orenlevko1.
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3. “My “luxury” machine. She is temperamental and brings me the dumbest and most expensive troubles I have ever had to deal with. Are your LED running lights starting to dim? Can't replace a light bulb? You will have to replace the entire headlight assembly... for $4500,” sarahadams2 complained.
“Do you live in a place where it is very cold in winter? Wonderful. This piece of junk doesn't have a block heater, so it's bound to freeze and spend seven months being repaired. It's a wacky collaboration between a German and a Japanese manufacturer, and the car was only in production for two years. Nobody knows how to repair it. Should the dealership tell you about these things when you bought the car? Probably, but they didn't, so now it's your problem, asshole,” the user wrote.
4. “I’ll tell you about one of those Gadgets for making cocktails that went viral on TikTok. What a waste of money. The cocktail pods taste disgusting, make a strong shot, and are very expensive. I'd rather just mix my own cocktails,” said jeanne1991.
5. "Buy" coffee in popular coffee shops. You can buy a house with the money you save,” wrote danroth1.
6. "Designer" Points. Just buy them online. Even if you have excellent insurance, buying them from somewhere like Eyebuydirect or GlassesUSA will likely be cheaper than your copay. I bought a pair of prescription sunglasses from Eyebuydirect for about $30 dollars,” says itsgivinganxiety.
“They always have sales and their frames start at about $9. They have about a thousand frame options and a good selection of lenses. In my opinion, this is much better than expensive options,” recommends itsgivinganxiety.
7. “Some of my friends bought one of these fancy ones.” bicycles for home workouts and were not impressed, especially considering the cost,” shared yerbutt.
8. "Mine" power bachelor's degree I'd like to take a few years to work and figure out what I want to do, or go to community college instead of a four-year school. At 18, I wanted to “continue learning.” Now I have a degree that I don't use. “No job I’ve had since college has ever required a college degree,” said captainkappa173.
“My degree. The most expensive piece of paper I've ever "bought". I say that in quotes because I'm still paying for it!” - added by kt2021.
9. “Dear branded alcohol is good, and $3 champagne sucks, but there's a lot in between. A $20-$30 bottle is a great option. The difference in taste does not justify the difference in price,” says sgodwin47.
10. "Some shoes! I spent $200-$300 on pairs of shoes that turned out to be less comfortable than I originally thought. Fortunately, I recouped some of these expenses - I sold them on Poshmark,” shared panda_13.
11. "Cast iron" frying pans. I still end up using my regular wok for everything,” said superpickles.
12. “I paid $1100 for a popular equipment for home workouts. I think I used it twice. I thought it was great, but it wasn't for me. I prefer to run in the fresh air. The equipment sat untouched in my garage for about a year, then I sold it for $200,” said jmacxjr.
13. “Basically everything is new - especially clothes, toys and kitchen utensils. I use a second hand shopping app that works like iStore. You add the item to your cart and pay. It's too much hassle to write 20 posts on Facebook Marketplace for one purchase, so I'm really glad I found this app,” said goldberry85.
“When I need clothes for my children, I buy whole bags of, for example, 10 pants, 10 T-shirts, etc. It’s a ridiculous amount of money and has minimal impact on the environment,” she added.
14. "A lot tickets straight to tourist attractions. Typically the savings are only a few dollars if you purchase multiple excursions. But then you feel like you're in a hurry to get everything done. My daughter gets anxious easily, so sometimes we need to take a break at the hotel to get some rest,” abourque shared.
“I would prefer to just buy the tickets when we get there so we can take our time, take breaks and decide when and where to go,” she added.
15. "Luxurious" handbag. I bought it used for a quarter of the price of new and it was in very good condition. But I'm still always nervous that I'll get it dirty when I take it out. The places I visit most often (grocery store, library, friends' houses, etc.) do not require such a bag,” shared lunabella85.
16. “This year I bought one of these luxury advent calendars for $445. Even though I managed to sell about half of the contents for $250, on reflection, I think it was overpriced,” said sweetelf57.
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17. “Luxury five-star Hotels. My wife and I honeymooned in August. We went to Athens and a couple of Greek islands. We spent four days in Athens in a regular hotel and then another night in a very expensive one while waiting for our flight home. The first four days we lived in a normal hotel, we liked everything. On our last night we stayed in a luxury hotel. The guidebooks said that this was the best and most luxurious hotel in the area. It was about twice as expensive as the first hotel we stayed at. We didn't feel much difference. The expensive hotel was not worth the money,” said flyerboy6.
18. "Streaming" Services. Honestly, I would have canceled them years ago because I don't watch half of what's out there. Now I just leave them for my niece and nephew,” shared monikap6.
19. “I bought a very expensive hairdryer. I've seen enough TikTok videos about him. And, although this is a cool product, the results are not worth it. There are several more options for curling without heat. For example, a curling iron that works better than a $500 hair dryer. Save your money!” — dannih101 wrote.
20. 'Perfume. I like to smell expensive wherever I go. But spraying myself with a $150 bottle just to go to the beach seemed like a waste of money, so I started buying knockoffs. I didn’t see any difference,” said jsagehedges.
21. “I have a dear a vacuum cleaner. I heard a lot about it and finally bought it. There is no need to spend money on it. It's definitely not worth the money. It's cheaper in the long run to simply buy an inexpensive vacuum cleaner from a discount store that will only last a few years and then buy another one,” says jamesc420ce9ec1.
22. 'Dryer for heated laundry. It was an expensive purchase, but I decided it was worth it. It turns out: your clothes don't dry faster. You must constantly move your clothing to ensure that the heat reaches all parts of it. Or you'll have to spread your clothes all over the dryer, but then you can only dry three items at a time,” someoneeeee said.
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