18 hours in the clouds: how to survive the longest flight in the world - ForumDaily
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18 hours in the clouds: how to survive the longest flight in the world

About his personal experience tells Alexander Cheban: “Just imagine, EIGHTENING hours above the clouds! Difficult for a long time? No, if it is a flight with the best Qatar Airways in the world.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

18 hours in the sky, during which you can easily watch the trilogies "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit", completely rebuilt from the daily routine, and you will be ready for the meeting with the fairy tale in Middle Earth».

14 535 km aboard the Boeing-777:

  • 217 passengers in economy class;
  • 42 passenger in business class;
  • more 1000 servings of onboard power;
  • more xnumx servings of soft drinks;
  • more xnumx cups of coffee.

Qatar Airways - the best airline in the world, according to the most authoritative rating Skytrax, member of the aviation alliance Oneworld.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

In the airline's fleet more than 200 aircraft, including the flagships of civil aviation - Airbus A380, A350, Boeing 787 Dreamliner. When flying through Doha on very many popular destinations, use the Dreamliner or A380, A350. Modern technologies facilitate air travel, so I always prefer flying on a new generation of airplanes.

Qatar Airways became the starting operator Airbus A350.

It is said that Qatar is now on the list of sanctions, and there may be problems with flights there. My advice is to listen less to what the news says and check the information. In the modern world, every political news is presented in a specific context of the interested party, but the reality is completely different. Leave the policy tv, just travel. And travel in comfort.

Indeed, the Qatar Airways canceled flights to three neighboring countries; their airspace is also closed to overflight. But almost all flights are carried out without delay and in accordance with the schedule. Here is a screenshot of "Flytradara", flights from Qatar fly through Iranian airspace. Affected flights to South America, their duration increased by a couple of hours. But otherwise no problems. I do not understand the tantrums in social networks and even comments in specialized communities.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

Long-haul routes are always the highlight of any major airline. Several companies are competing for the longest non-stop flight. Once it was a flight Singapore Airlines New York - Singapore (18 hours, 16 600 km) on Airbus A340-500. By the way, they plan to restore it in 2018 already at A350.

This year Qatar Airways It has the longest flight in the world, although already in the next we are waiting for Perth - London and again Singapore - New York.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

The main challenge for the airline on ultra-long routes is the economy of such a flight. After all, there are not only passengers on board, but also catering, luggage and commercial cargo, and besides this, the fullest load of aviation kerosene. On the flight Doha - Auckland Qatar Airways transports more than 100 tons of commercial freight per week. Distances that were previously unattainable for flights without landing require new and modern aircraft, where transport economics benefits significantly from previous generations of aircraft.

By choosing an aircraft for such a non-stop route Qatar Airways became the Boeing-777-200LR, which was commissioned in 2006 year, in addition to the market leader 777-300ER. In accordance with the specification, 777-200LR can carry 317 passengers a distance of 15 840 km, and with a decrease in load even further.

I like infographics very much, here are all the most basic figures of this flight. And there is a story behind each number, so let's get on board.

Let's start with the airport, because any long connecting route is also a comfort at the transfer airport. Hamad International Airport Doha opened in 2014 year and is one of the best in the world. He confidently entered the top three of my favorites along with Singapore and Dubai, but why? Because there is a swimming pool and spa, and this is the best that can be for relaxing between flights. Well, the first thing that surprises when you find yourself in the airport terminal is silence, despite the fact that the planes land and take off every minute here.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

Business hall Qatar Airways can accommodate up to 1000 guests at the same time! This time I flew in economy class, I have a S7 gold card, which is also included in the alliance Oneworld, for such passengers there is a separate business room. Pleasant, spacious, but nothing special. Own hall Qatar Airways head and shoulders above.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

Let's go aboard. Boeing-777-200LR is this time not at the telescop, but in the parking lot, which makes it possible to warm up a little between the air-conditioned terminal of the airport and the aircraft. Advice to you if you fly with a long docking even between hot countries: take warm sports clothes, very often in the terminals of airports in the Middle East and Asia are cool.

In the lounge business class 42 chairs, fully transformed into a horizontal bed. Today I fly in economy class, which, however, is almost like a business on short flights. Do not believe?

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

In the cabin of the economy class Boeing-777-200LR layout 3-3-3 - this is the standard, which at one time announced Boeing. But modern business realities are such that airlines are now ordering 777 with the layout 3-4-3. At the same time, the “classic” 3-3-3 has wider seats and significantly more comfortable compared to the 3-4-3. Not least thanks to this long flight is transferred much easier.

My chair for the next 16-18 hours. The normal standard chair pitch, my height is 184, I was quite comfortable. Blanket, pillow, small travel kit.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

We leave Qatar and the Persian Gulf, ahead of the 16,5 hours in Auckland. Travel time depends on many factors - wind, train, load, so it can vary within two hours on this flight.

Onboard power - probably the most important thing that interests. After all, 16-18 watches are a lot.

Let's start with drinks and a hot dinner from Doha to Auckland.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

And from Auckland to Doha.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

Then during the flight, hot sandwiches and pastries are offered twice.

And between them in the conventionally "quiet time" offer a box with a set of snacks.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

And on the way back, New Zealand catering put a bag of apples.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

In addition, in the kitchen at any time you have access to the bar, tea, coffee, snacks, the same sandwiches (if you missed them during the service). It feels like it's a non-stop buffet. And in the morning breakfast.

Maybe I missed something, because I sleep in airplanes perfectly. On the way back, my fitness tracker showed 10,5 hours of sleep. On the flight from Doha to Oakland, I talked to the crew, walked around the cabin.

During this flight, you meet dawn twice. When departing from Doha, the day passes very quickly, literally a few hours taking turns at night, and already in Auckland you again find yourself an hour before the dawn of a new day.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

Can't you sleep? 3000 movies, thousands of hours of music and other entertainment. My advice: take your headphones with an active noise reduction system, because those that offer airlines, even in business class, usually are no good.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

Both trilogies - "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" - easily during the same flight.

Invariably friendly crew, even sometimes the conversation at the level of the passenger's eyes.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

And then Oakland. And new stories, amazing nature, impressions that are not like anything else. Welcome to Middle-earth. Boeing 777-200LR Qatar Airways takes off from Auckland Airport back to Doha.

Photo by alexcheban.livejournal.com

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