15 interesting Google Maps tricks you might not know about - ForumDaily
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15 interesting tricks of Google Maps that you might not know about

Google Maps is a great tool that can be used for more than just navigation, writes USA Today.

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Google has actually changed the Google Maps icon to emphasize the evolution of Maps. Over the years, more than 220 countries have been mapped.

As part of the birthday celebration, Google has updated the look and feel of the iOS and Android versions of its Maps app, most notably with five tabs that appear at the bottom of the screen (previously there were three).

The updated design of Google Maps has 5 tabs at the bottom of the screen.

You can click the Overview tab for information and ratings, as well as the Directions tab for traffic and travel time, and more.

There is now a Save button where you can view all the places you have been or might want to go to one of them. According to Google, people have saved over 6,5 billion places on Google Maps.

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You can also click the Contribute tab to share what you know with others: business reviews, photos, road and address information. Google says hundreds of millions of people each year provide information that helps keep Maps relevant.

Meanwhile, on the new tab “Updates” you can find out about popular trends from reputed experts and publishers. One example is The Infatuation, which aims to help you decide where to eat.

Google will release new versions of Google Maps in the next few days.

Here are 15 more Google tips on what you can or will be able to do in Google Maps:

1. Translate place names or addresses

Click on the speaker icon that appears next to an address or place name. Google Maps will call it out loud in the local language.

2. Private enjoy

Choose incognito mode and Google won't save your searches in Maps. The trade-off is that you will lose some personalization. Separately, you can select auto-delete items in your location history to keep three or 18 months of data. Google claims that it will automatically delete anything you've previously saved.

3. Avoid roads, toll highways, ferries

In navigation mode, tap the three points in the upper right corner of the application and find “Route Settings” to select the types of routes you want to avoid.

4. Share your ETA and real-time location

When you’ve started your journey, press the ^ button, and then click “Share your trip” to do so with the assigned contacts.

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5. Find a bike or scooter

You can find affordable bikes in real time in two dozen cities. Google Maps can tell you if a Lime scooter is available and calculate how much your trip will cost in more than 80 cities around the world.

6. Charge your electric car

In some places you can see the location and availability of charging stations for electric vehicles.

7. Know which way to go

Arrows will show you which direction to go when using Google Live View's augmented reality feature. After selecting your destination, click the Direction button and the Walking tab.

8. Time travel

Take a look into the past. Select a location in Google Maps on the desktop and drag the yellow “pegman” shape onto the picture. Click on the clock that appears in the upper left corner to select a frame.

9. Get flight information

Click on the three gray lines in the top left corner of the screen, then “Your Seats,” followed by the “Reservations” tab to find out if your plane is leaving on time. You can also use Maps in the terminal to find nearby gates, lounges, restaurants and shops.

10. Remember where the car is parked

Click the blue dot on the map and then “Save Parking.” Before driving into an area, look for parking difficulty icons, available for over 50 cities.

11. Save time

Select the "Popular Time" and "Waiting" functions to understand how crowded near the restaurant or in another place where you are going.

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12. Find out the traffic load

In 2019, Google added crowdsourced data to predict how busy your bus, train, or subway will be at a particular time. Google is now adding new insights through Maps that can impact your trips. These include notice if your train or bus is on the cooler or warmer side, if some transit systems have dedicated women's sections or carriages, if passengers with special needs can board public transport with staff ready to help.

13. Order food

If you click the "Order Online" button, you can choose to pick up or deliver through selected eateries. Your choice will depend on the location. Last year, pizza, Chinese food, and breakfast were the most popular in the US on Google Maps.

14. Add multiple stops

Click on the three dots, then “Route Options” and then “Add Stop.” Google Maps will try to provide the fastest route between these stops.

15. Schedule a group activity

If you long press in a specific place on the map, it will fall into a short list that you can share with friends on any messaging platform.

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