15 secrets to finding cheap flights every traveler should know - ForumDaily
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15 secrets of finding cheap flights every traveler should know

Let's face it: traveling is incredibly expensive. A significant portion is spent on air tickets. Their prices fluctuate so often that you always have the feeling that you could get a good price or a discount. It turns out that if you follow a few simple tricks, you can book cheap flights, says best life online.

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1. Tickets are sometimes cheaper if you book them one at a time

The reason you can save this way is because “airlines often sell multiple fare classes at different prices, with a couple of seats in each class,” write deal experts at Travel Zoo. “If there is only one seat left in the lowest fare class and you are looking for four, most automated systems will show you the highest fare class for all four tickets.”

This means that it is more profitable to search for tickets individually. And remember: if you decide to book one at a time, then make sure that there is no processing fee for each ticket that would compensate for any savings, especially if you book through an online travel agency and not through an airline. You can also select seats in advance to sit next to loved ones.

2. There are many outdated tourist tricks that can be ignored

Ever heard that Tuesday is the best day to book flights? Or that you need to search for air tickets in incognito mode? This is only partly true. Most travel experts agree that there is no “perfect” day to score great rates.

“Airlines use advanced computer and pricing algorithms to determine prices and make sales based on time of year, passenger demand, weather, major events/festivals, time of day, competitor prices and more,” writes travel blogger Nomadic Matt.

The only way to find the best rate is to be alert.

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3. The Hopper app can tell you exactly what a successful tariff looks like.

If you've never flown a particular route before, it's hard to know what a good fare looks like. For example, a flight for $ 350 may seem too expensive until you find out that a ticket for this flight usually costs $ 300. That's why it makes sense download hopper To use the application: simply indicate where you want to fly and when.

4. Pricing alerts can help you stay current.

As we wrote earlier, the only way to get the best price is to monitor them all the time. Sometimes you just don't have time for this, so let the Internet do all the work for you. Sign up for price alerts on sites like Skyscanner or Google Flights, to receive notifications when fares drop on your route. And if they suit you, you can book them immediately.

5. You will find the cheapest rates if you fly on holiday

Flying during holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas—times when other travelers would rather stay home with family than at the airport with TSA—may be the best way to score big discounts.

It should also be noted that these discounts do not apply to Presidents Day and Memorial Day, as well as other not very large-scale holidays.

6. Traveling in low season can save you a lot of money

Professional tip: booking a trip to Europe in the fall or winter can save you hundreds of dollars. For example, in August flights from New York to Barcelona are estimated at about $ 500, while in September there are routes at a bargain price of $ 224 round trip. In short: don't be afraid of the low season.

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7. Tuesday and Wednesday are the cheapest days to fly

Unfortunately, the cheapest days are not always the most convenient. The cheapest day to fly domestic is Wednesday, and the cheapest is Tuesday, according to Hopper. The potential savings on these days is about $45 per ticket.

8. Reservation with transfers can mean 50 percent savings.

For example, the previously mentioned $224 flight to Barcelona has a stop in Madrid. If you fly non-stop, you will have to pay about $1000. And so - 776 dollars in savings!

9. “Hotel + air ticket” packages allow you to reduce prices for both

If you book a flight, most likely you will need to book a hotel, which means a very good price. Fortunately for you, many large hotel chains offer service packages along with large airlines, that is, you can save on two costs.

Look for these packages on travel sites such as Expedia , Kayak и Hotwire.

10. Yes, airline credit cards can help.

While annual fees may puzzle you a bit, investing in an airline's credit card ensures that travelers who are especially fond of travel will earn points to end up traveling at discounted prices. According to The Points Guy, the JetBlue Plus card is the best option for passengers traveling mainly around the country because it offers a generous amount of air points (40 points after you spent $ 000 in the first 1000 days) for every dollar you spend.

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International travelers are encouraged to invest in an American Express Delta Reserve credit card where they can earn 40 and 000 Delta Medallion qualifying miles after spending $ 10 in the first three months.

11. Credit cards offering travel points can also help.

If you do not want to buy an airline credit card, check out other cards that offer generous travel points. According to Nerd Wallet, the best advantage in this regard is the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card. She

offers two points for the dollar spent on airline tickets, transportation, food and various other expenses.

12. Feel free to buy when you notice a good offer.

If you book your ticket at least 7 days before departure, U.S. Airlines must provide you with a 24-hour period in which you can cancel your order for free. Therefore, when you see something interesting, feel free to agree. You can always change your mind the next day.

13. Small airports can offer huge savings

Especially when traveling to large cities, make sure that you have not found a more favorable fare with departure or arrival at a small airport.

14. Travel agents are great helpers.

Travel agents have secret tricks that online agencies have never heard of. Therefore, immediately find a travel agent to really save on all your future adventures.

15. Southwest offers free re-bookings and refunds

Southwest Airlines' free rebooking and refund policy on price drops is second to none. Southwest is the only major airline in the US that allows you to change your itinerary for free (other airlines charge about $200 for the same service). So if you are not 100% sure about your booking, you should fly with this airline.

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