14 Southern California business cards - ForumDaily
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14 Business Cards Southern California 

There are some things that almost everyone comes to mind when they think about Southern California, regardless of whether they live in this region, visited it or just watched a few films about it.

Фото: Depositphotos

Edition Only in Your State compiled a list of business cards of Southern California.

1. Scenic beaches

Residents of the region see this picture almost every day.

2. Restaurants on the water

3. Magnificent piers along the coast

Pictured is the Newport Beach Pier, one of many in Southern California.

4. Disneyland

Photos from Disneyland are always included in the list of required, if you visited Southern California.

5. Lemon trees

The photo shows ripe and fragrant lemons at Descanso Gardens.

6. Beach volleyball

The photo shows the volleyball at sunset in Venice Beach.

7. Surfing

Even if you are not a surfer, it's hard not to appreciate the stunning ocean waves in Southern California.

8. Hollywood

Hollywood is what most often comes to mind for people who have never been to Southern California. For those who live here, this is the last thing that comes to mind.

9. Long walks along the beach

In Southern California, there is always a place to stroll and recharge with positive energy.

10. 66 Route

Historic Route 66, which ends in Santa Monica, is one of the most popular destinations among tourists and locals.

11. Spectacular sunrises and sunsets

Malibu is always an exciting place, no matter the time of day.

12. Outdoor Adventure

Due to the excellent weather in the region, there is a huge selection of outdoor activities.

13. Tall palm trees

The photo shows a view from Catalina Island.

14. Pacific Ridge

This may not be the image that comes to mind for those who are not from Southern California, but everyone living here will think about this beauty first.

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