Heat in New York: the authorities released the first warning in 3 of the year - ForumDaily
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Heat in New York: the authorities released the first warning in 3 of the year

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Heat and high humidity with temperatures in excess of 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32° C and more).

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio reported that state authorities issued the first over three years warning of excessively hot weather for local residents and guests of the metropolis.

This means that for the first time since 2013, the thermal index exceeded 105 degrees. The same warning was issued in the state of New Jersey.

“It was hot this summer, but not as hot as it is now,” de Blasio says. — The current weather is much heavier and more complex. Take precautions."

Among other things, de Blasio asked city residents to install air conditioners at a level no lower than 78 degrees in order to save electricity.

In addition, the so-called cooling centers will work on Saturday night and Sunday, and the operating time of the city pools will be extended to 8 in the evening.

Power outages have been recorded in a number of areas.

“I had a refrigerator full of food that I bought yesterday. I was at work all night, and in the morning I found puddles under the refrigerator and spoiled food,” says local resident Raisa Shafir.

By 4 hours of the day, power supply was restored.

Fatalities, as noted in the fire service of New York, at the moment was not.

Cooling centers operate in 5 counties in New York. The address of the nearest one can be found on the website. NYC.gov/BeatTheHeat or find out by calling 311.

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