13 US cities where an average home costs less than 200 000 dollars - ForumDaily
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13 US cities where an average home costs less than 200 000 dollars

The average selling price for homes in the USA is around 234 000 dollars, but there are cities where a typical house costs a lot less.

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CNBC Make It has identified 13 cities in which average housing prices are less than 200 000 dollars. Data provided by the National Association of Realtors for the second quarter of 2019. The list also includes the corresponding income required to purchase a home with 10% or 20% down payment. The data imply a mortgage rate of 4,1% for all areas and a monthly payment of principal and interest, limited to 25% of the resident's income.

Find out in which 13 cities you can become a homeowner for less than 200 000 dollars:


  1. Lincoln, Nebraska

Average house price: $ 199 800

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 42 103

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 37 424


  1. St. Louis, MO

Average house price: $ 194 800

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 41 049

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 36 488


  1. Cincinnati, Ohio

Average house price: $ 194 100

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 40 901

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 36 357


  1. Memphis, Tennessee

Average house price: $ 194 000

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 40 880

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 36 338


  1. Columbia, South Carolina

Average house price: $ 188 500

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 39 721

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 35 308


  1. Lexington, KY

Average house price: $ 183 900

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 38 752

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 34 446


  1. Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Average house price: $ 179 500

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 37 825

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 33 622


  1. Tulsa, Oklahoma

Average house price: $ 178 400

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 37 593

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 33 416


  1. Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Average house price: $ 170 000

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 35 823

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 31 843


  1. Wichita, Kansas

Average house price: $ 163 700

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 34 495

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 30 663


  1. Rochester, New York

Average house price: $ 156 700

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 33 020

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 29 351


  1. South Bend, Indiana

Average house price: $ 146 000

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 30 766

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 27 347


  1. Charleston west virginia

Average house price: $ 141 700

Salary required with 10% down payment: $ 29 860

Salary required with 20% down payment: $ 26 542

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