12 companies in which workers receive the most luxurious benefits - ForumDaily
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12 companies in which workers receive the most luxurious benefits

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Gone are the days when companies just offered shortened Fridays, free snacks and unlimited vacation to lure recruits. Now companies are organizing free food at the restaurant level and spa treatments, so that employees do not switch to other companies and are delighted with their place of work. Below are the most luxurious employee privileges.

Free holidays in airbnb

The site airbnb Employees are offered an annual stipend of 2000 dollars to travel and stay in places airbnb anywhere.

CrossFit at Reebok

В Reebok There is a workplace gym that includes free crossfit classes.

Spa and car wash at Genentech

It is much easier to carry out orders if you work in Genentech. The biotechnology company offers generous on-site services for employees, including car washes, haircuts, spa treatments and even dentist services.

Benefits for parents in Spotify

The company is well known for its commitment to musical culture, offering employees free concerts from top performers such as Weezer and Miguel. But the company also has a rich package of benefits for new parents or those who are working to become parents. Spotify offers six months of paid parental leave, in addition to a month of flexible working hours for parents who go to the office.

Netflix Unlimited Parental Vacation

No one has more parental advantages like Netflix. According to Huffington Post, the company recently began offering unlimited maternity leave. CEO Netflix Reed Hastings takes six weeks off every year and encourages his employees to do the same. However, when you are in the office, you can enjoy the 200 movie theater by a man who demonstrates the upcoming series. Netflix and movies.

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IKEA paid childcare leave

У IKEA There is a generous policy for new parents: the company offers up to four months of paid parental leave for employees who have worked there for at least a year. This rule applies not only to full-time employees, but also to those who work part-time. It doesn't matter if you work in one of the retail stores. IKEA or at its headquarters.

Goldman pays for sex change operations

The financial giant treats its employees with a wide assortment of sweet peaches. Goldman also demonstrated its commitment to the LGBTQ community and offers to pay for sex reassignment operations from 2008 of the year.

American Express supports moms

American Express provides up to 5 months of paid leave for new mothers and fathers. Parents can get additional 6-8 weeks of paid medical leave. Plus, employees get full-day access to a lactation consultant, and moms who travel to work can send their breast milk home for ten cents.

Starbucks pays for school

The coffee network is known for its good attitude to its employees. Starbucks offers full compensation for tuition for those who receive higher education.

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Free In-N-Out Hamburgers

This may not be the most expensive gain, but a free two-story hamburger In-N-Out and potatoes you get on every shift.

Free Facebook Housing for Interns

Many interns earn more than $ 7000 per month. This is due to the fact that Facebook offers interns free housing and medical care.

Free breakfast, lunch and dinner on google gourmet

Google is one of the largest technology companies in the world. Famous headquarters Googleplex in Mountain View, California, offers seemingly endless free food options. Employees can eat for free at campus restaurants and cafes—and save a ton of money. IN Google there is also a gym with free workouts, as well as free cooking classes. And incredibly generous benefits in the event of the death of an employee. The company pays the spouse or partner of the deceased employee 50% of their salary for 10 years.

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