10 harmful products that have proven beneficial
New research has refuted the harm of many loved products. Israeli nutritionist Naama Lyon has compiled a complete list and explained that now you can eat, writes News of Israel in Russian.
1. Eggs
Eggs contain beneficial amino acids, as well as calcium, iron, vitamin B12, zinc and ... cholesterol. Yes, before it was believed that high cholesterol in the blood is directly dependent on the use of eggs. But recent studies have shown that cholesterol from eggs does not affect cholesterol in the blood.
Conclusion: you can eat eggs at least every day.
2. Coffee
Recent studies have shown that coffee and caffeine prevent cancer and liver disease, and therefore are good for health.
Many try to reduce coffee consumption to one cup per day, but it turns out that it is not the coffee itself that is harmful, but the added sugar and milk or sweets served to the drink.
By itself, caffeine does not harm the body, however, an overdose can cause nervousness or increase pressure. But such an overdose due to the coffee itself is extremely rare, most likely caffeine from various food additives can affect it.
3. Salt
According to a new study, salt intake does not increase the risk of heart attacks, stroke, or premature death, as previously thought.
Adding salt to dishes does not cause any damage to the body. (True, scientists still advise eating less processed food and convenience foods, where salt levels are very high).
4. Fatty foods
In the past, nutritionists have not recommended that dieters eat foods high in fat. Now proven: the consumption of fat from products of plant origin does not affect the increase in adipose tissue in the body. It turned out that such fats have a positive effect on metabolism.
Products such as avocado, thina (sesame paste), olive oil, various nuts are recommended to be included in the diet daily.
5. Gluten
Wheat protein gluten gained notoriety at a time when many celebrities began to advertise a gluten-free diet. In addition, celiac disease was found in 1% of the population - gluten intolerance, which means that wheat flour products are contraindicated for such patients.
However, if you do not have celiac disease, then you should not stick to a gluten-free diet, it is not entirely helpful.
Scientists recommend a moderate intake of gluten, which is also found in burgoule, semolina and couscous.
6. Bread
A recent large study confirms that 50% carbohydrate food is good, which is not true for low-carb diets.
However, scientists emphasize that when including carbohydrates in the daily menu, you should give preference to complex carbohydrates with a high fiber content. Thus, whole grain bread (“mi-hita melea”) is healthy.
7. Vegetable oils
Olive oil has long been known for its beneficial properties: it prevents heart disease, a positive effect on the skin and hair, improves metabolism.
But few people know that in addition to olive oil there is, for example, avocado oil, which also contains omega-7 fatty acid in addition to olyric acid.
8. Potatoes
It contains potassium, magnesium and even vitamin C, but the high glycemic index (an indicator of the effect on blood sugar levels) has created a bad reputation for potatoes.
Scientists say that sweet potato is more useful in this regard.
Moreover, during the research it turned out that the glycemic index is an individual concept, and each product affects each person differently.
If we can not do without potatoes, then at least cook it, baking in the oven or just boiling. Fried potatoes are not considered healthy.
9. Soybean
Soybeans are rich in whole protein, fiber, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium. For a long time there was a controversy surrounding the benefits and harm of soy because of isoflavonoids, called phytoestrogens (female hormones) by mistake. It was believed that soy increases the risk of breast cancer and negatively affects the male hormonal system.
Scientists have shown that soybean raw or in the form of tofu, dried soybeans, or a soybean drink without sugar, along with the use of lentils, beans, peas and hummus grains is good for health.
10. Butter
If you use it in small quantities, it will not cause any harm to health, even despite the saturated fats contained in it.
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