10 types of people who attend Russian-language events in the US - ForumDaily
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10 types of people who attend Russian-language events in the US

Russian-language events are quite popular in the United States and collect a considerable number of visitors.

Event Guide Event cartel revealed 10 of the main types of people who can be met at any celebration, concert or party for the Russian-speaking.

Read carefully - perhaps you will recognize yourself.


This is probably the most common type of people among those who attend Russian-language events in the USA. Sooner or later, everyone falls into this category, regardless of the root cause of longing: it can be temporary nostalgia or serious longing for one’s homeland, bordering on the desire to give up everything and go to where “the birch trees are rustling” or “the fast Dniester is seething.” In any case, going to see “your” artist gives the necessary “dose of the Motherland”, and this, in most cases, leads to the necessary psychological balance (melancholy eventually disappears from the body along with the alcohol drunk yesterday at the concert, and the brain can function normally again concentrate on pressing matters).


As you might guess, these are those who have just landed at an American airport and are starting to get used to a new country. They are still comparing the prices of food, rent and entertainment with the prices in the country they just arrived from. They also compare everything else: what kind of clubs are here, how people dress, what artists perform here, and often try to disgrace the quality of the events taking place here. This type of people often tries to change, advise, improve something, but, as a rule, they do not try to look into the essence of the reason and judge events based on superficial impressions, not realizing that, by definition, it is impossible to apply the schemes there here, just as the people here are there.


This is an infrequent visitor to Russian-language events, but sometimes he drops by. This type includes people who have already, it seems, sworn off attending “our” parties for one reason or another and even try not to use their native language in public places, denying in every possible way that they belong to their homeland. It is from these people that you can sometimes hear phrases like: “Aim from Russia, bat aim nat rashhen” or “I’m here for the worse, and I don’t speak good Russian” [should be pronounced with a bad English accent]. On Facebook and Instagram of these people you will not see photos from Russian restaurants or check-ins in any Russian places. But from time to time these people still go out into the “Russian world” and, while at the event, try to show with all their appearance that this is the greatest favor. Well, or they go to concerts of artists from the 90s or parties, on the sly: while no one sees, they stomp in a dark nook to the songs of the group “Hands Up”.


These people do not know at all what they are doing at this or that event - most often, these are just Americans or representatives of other nations, as far removed from Slavic culture as possible. Their wife (girlfriend, colleague) brought them here, saying that “it will be cool,” or that this is “childhood music,” or that “there will be a lot of cool girls.” By the way, according to our statistics, “cellmates” are actually more often men than women. So, the guy, having received a very urgent request to go with his girlfriend to a concert of a band during her puberty and tears at school discos, simply takes out a credit card, pays for everything, and then is quietly perplexed, sipping whiskey.


This type knows all the artist's songs by heart, before going to a concert, puts on branded things or accessories with symbols, sings favorite passages, standing in line at the entrance, and then is ready to pay any money for the opportunity to talk or take a photo with an idol and get an autograph. This is one of the key types of visitors to Russian-speaking events and is its structural component. Without these people and their support there would be no concert industry as such. Therefore, we greatly respect and support them in every way.


Beautiful girls and boys, most often models, who are allowed to attend events for free, and, moreover, the organizers often provide them with free tables and alcohol in almost unlimited quantities. They create a positive image for the event, since everyone enjoys being in the company of beautiful people. The “sweets” may not even know Russian; they don’t have to speak at all.


These are the type of people who would really like to be “candy”, but somehow fall short in terms of parameters. Accordingly, they are not provided with concessions in the form of free entry, etc., which greatly infuriates them and leads to the automatic activation of the “Diva” mode. What does this mean? For example, a girl knows that there will be a great party, and all her friends will definitely be there, but for some reason she’s “in a hurry” to buy a ticket for herself. She will wait until the last minute, stand in a huge line at the club to tell the promoter at the entrance: “Do you still need to pay?”, and a bunch of other unnecessary nonsense, like: “Yes, they always let me in everywhere anyway, but I need these yours Russian parties are not needed at all.” Having finally paid a tidy sum for a ticket, the “diva” will enter the club with a “sour face” and begin to poison the mood of herself and those around her, for example, by insulting the staff or saying nasty things to her friends. Fortunately, there are few such characters, because medicine in these cases is practically powerless.

Down jacket

This type loves, so to speak, to “throw some fluff at himself,” throwing around names and pseudo-connections. From such people you can often hear: “Yes, I know the owner of the establishment (the director of the artist, the artist himself, drummer, guitarist, saxophonist, security guard, brother of the cousin of the great-niece of Barack Obama’s godfather-in-law). There are only a few of these people, but they are usually extremely funny. The main thing is that they are completely harmless.


These are people for whom some life holiday fell on the date of the event, and this person decided to celebrate his birthday, engagement, housewarming, divorce, promotion by going to a concert of a Russian-speaking group. In fact, this person would be just as happy and happy in some sports bar or tavern, but, due to his environment, and sometimes also the language barrier, he prefers Russian-language establishments and events. Agree, it’s much more fun to be with those who are “on the same wavelength” with you and understand perfectly. This type is usually harmless until the moment it begins to consider its anniversary or engagement as an event significant not only in its life, but also in the lives of all visitors to the establishment or event.


A permanent member does not miss a single Russian-speaking party, be it a concert, just a party or afterparty. Typically, people of this type have a couple of favorite places in which they constantly live. These people know everyone in the institution, from the host to Aunt Gali, who comes to clean on Mondays. They know and love this atmosphere and especially love the attitude towards them. Often, the permanent members have bonus cards and unofficial privileges of loyal customers, which is also another reason for their loyalty.

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