10 Tips for Novice Travelers - ForumDaily
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10 tips for beginner travelers

People who have never traveled, but want to start, usually have a lot of questions about basic things related to visiting different parts of the world.

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Blogger Jeffrey Morrison, who has managed to visit more than ten countries over the past year, has gathered 10 basic tips for beginning travelers, writes Forbes.

  • Start with something simple.
  • Some places are easier to travel than others. If this is your first trip outside the country, consider some simple direction, you should not immediately start from the volcanic island of Bouvet in Norway or from climbing the mountain “killer” Chogori.

    2. Take care of communication

    If you have an unlocked smartphone, then in another country you can purchase a local SIM card and use cheap communication and mobile Internet, forgetting about expensive travel plans from US mobile companies.

    3. Correct luggage

    Buy a suitcase smaller than the one you think you'll need. Personally, I prefer a small backpack. Some people choose hybrid bags: a backpack + a rolling bag, but I find them too bulky. Avoid regular rolling bags - they cause a lot of problems. Large suitcases are generally not worth considering unless you are going skiing and need to bring a lot of equipment with you.

    4. Proper equipment

    It's worth choosing good budget laptops for travel, a portable USB charger is simply invaluable, and it would also be nice to get noise-canceling headphones.

    5. Pack only the most necessary things.

    This is the most difficult task of a traveler. “But I might need it” is the most common explanation for overloaded bags. Aim for 30 pounds, and if you're not carrying heavy electronics, 13,5 pounds is plenty. You don't need clothes for more than a week - you can wash them anywhere. Traveling light can change the way you experience travel.

    6. Make sure through the cloud

    One of the photographers dropped the camera in a taxi and lost the results of his work for three weeks. Create a “cloud” of data that will be your safety net in case of force majeure. Google offers such inexpensive and simple ways to store information, but there are plenty of other options.

    7. Travel apps

    Google Translate is the most amazing app for any traveler, use FAR (it allows you to pre-download languages ​​from the internet and use them offline). In second place is Google Maps; if you download the desired map and save it, it will also work offline.

    In addition, it is worth downloading applications that will help you keep in touch with your relatives, tell them about your health, etc. You can use WhatsApp, Skype, Messenger, etc. for these purposes. You can post photos on Instagram or Tumblr.

    Фото: Depositphotos

    8. Do not be afraid of hostels

    Americans mistaken hostels as dangerous, dirty and noisy places. Maybe some hostels are really like that, but most of them are cleaner and more pleasant than hotels. Check hostels through sites Hostelworld.com и hostelz.com. In addition, it is also a great place to meet new people.

    9. Set a password on your phone

    Your phone and the information in it are the most valuable thing you have. The phone is easy to replace, but theft of personal information located on the phone is much more unpleasant. How many personal accounts, not only in social networks, but also in the bank, are saved on your phone with automatic login without password verification?..

    Therefore, set a password, digital or biometric - the most secure options.

    10. Do not simplify the life of robbers

    When traveling, robbers do not come across as often as many people think, but they still exist, so don’t make their life easier. Do not leave your bag on the outdoor table in a cafe. Take your backpack off your back when traveling in a crowded train - many people do not take these simple precautions.

    Don't overdo it - no need to handcuff your items, just be careful and take basic safety precautions.


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