10 privileges that only residents of Northern California have - ForumDaily
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10 privileges that only residents of Northern California have

Residents of Northern California are well aware that life in this region has a unique set of privileges that is not found in any other state.

Фото: Depositphotos

The list of amenities associated with life in Northern California may be endless, but the edition Only in Your State 10 chose the best of them.

1. The opportunity to enjoy great weather throughout the year.

The weather in Northern California is always very pleasant: the summer is not too hot, and the winter is not too cold. In addition, the coast is always a little cooler than in the rest of the region, which allows you to be in different temperature zones by moving for short distances.

2. Northern California boasts a high level of education

Last year alone, several colleges in the region entered the top ten in the United States. Among them were Berkeley, the University of California, Davis, Stanford, the University of San Jose, the California Maritime Academy and others.

3. Every road has a picturesque landscape.

While Southern California is known for its constantly congested highways, Northern California is famous for the scenic beauty of the surrounding roads, which are often quite deserted.

4. Huge selection of leisure options

Northern California is a nature lover's paradise. It has it all: charming hiking spots, skiing, kayaking, camping, fishing, and more.

5. The brightest natural sights of the world are here at every turn.

Noble tall red trees, the infinitely majestic Sierra Nevada mountains, the delightful beauty of Yosemite National Park. And this is not all that the people of Northern California can rightly be proud of.

6. Diverse cuisine

No matter what type of cuisine you prefer, you can find whatever you want in Northern California. There are many excellent zucchini in the region, but there are also dozens of world-class restaurants.

7. A lot of wine

In Northern California, there is the world famous Napa Valley, where excellent wine is made. The region has a huge variety of vineyards and wineries where you can taste wine.

8. Many parks

In Northern California are located near 300 parks. It seems that no matter how many of them you visit, there is always one that you have not yet seen.

9. The pond is always near

Most people, thinking of Northern California, think of the ocean. Yes, he is charming. But there are many other large reservoirs in the state, including an endless number of lakes and rivers worth visiting.

10. Views never bother

The true beauty of Northern California cannot be conveyed through photos. Therefore, you want to see beautiful places again and again.

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