Top-10 Holiday American Movies - ForumDaily
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Top-10 Holiday American Movies

Фото: Depositphotos

What to do on holidays with the whole family? Of course, watching merry Christmas comedies or sentimental melodramas. In cinema, films made especially for Christmas and New Year have a special place.

These are films for all times. They do not become obsolete, so TV channels can show them from year to year as part of the festive week. The audience will only be happy once again to see the characters, creating a truly festive mood.

ForumDaily chose ten Hollywood films, without which it is difficult to imagine the Christmas and New Year's days.


"Alone at home"

This year marks 25th anniversary of the comedy “Home Alone” - a true Christmas classic in the USA. Chris Columbus's film made 10-year-old Macaulay Culkin one of the highest paid child actors in Hollywood history. His hero, the boy Kevin McCallister, forgotten at home by his parents who had gone on vacation, confronts the “wet bandits” Harry and Marv, who sneak into the family’s house. Two years later, a sequel to the comedy was filmed - Home Alone 2, which, although it did not reach the popularity of the first part, is also regularly included in the schedule of TV channels during the holidays.


"Real love"

The plot of the film, released in 2003, consists of ten parallel stories. They begin five weeks before Christmas and end on Christmas Eve. The film does not have leading actors, as in any film almanac, but it has an impressive cast - Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Keira Knightley and others. The Richard Curtis film has become an almost obligatory item on the New Year's Eve schedule of most British and American airlines.



The action of the melodrama “Noel” takes place at Christmas in New York. The characters in the film are in search of themselves, and holiday magic comes in handy for them. Penelope Cruz and Susan Sarandon made up an excellent acting tandem, and Chazz Palmintierri's film over the past 10 years has firmly entered various lists of films that must be watched during the Christmas holidays.


"Exchange Vacation"

The film Nancy Myers is remembered not only by the kiss of Judah Lowe and Cameron Diaz, who was then nominated for the MTV Channel Award and a number of others, but also by an intriguing storyline. Two unfamiliar women from England and America, who share unrequited love, decided to celebrate Christmas on other continents. On the housing exchange website, they agreed to stay with each other for two weeks. The adventures that followed have completely changed their future.


"Christmas with the Losers"

The 2004 family comedy directed by Joe Roth and starring Jamie Lee Curtis was released with the slogan “This is a holiday they won’t forget for a long time.” The Crank family decided to go on Christmas vacation to the Caribbean islands, but their plans were not destined to come true. This movie has it all, from trying to steal your neighbors' Christmas tree to having a fun holiday party.


"Family man"

Nicolas Cage rarely starred in films that could be intended for holiday release, but the drama "The Family Man" turned out to be truly family-friendly. On Christmas Eve, Cage's hero loses his business and, by chance, finds himself in a completely different situation - a quiet family life with his favorite chocolate cupcake and walking the dog. The film masterfully reveals the theme of family values ​​and true happiness in life, which is worthy of applause and audience gratitude.


"Old New Year

Another picture in the film almanac format, telling several parallel stories about people celebrating the New Year in New York. All eight stories are gradually intertwined, and a powerful cast - with Robert De Niro, Halle Berry, Jessica Biel and others - attracts additional attention from fans of Hollywood cinema. Residents of the city that never sleeps, with their joys and problems, make the upcoming holiday interesting from all points of view.


"Gift for Christmas"

What holidays without Arnold Schwarzenegger ?! In the 1996 film of the year, Arnie fights not with cyborg, but with the same compassionate fathers that he himself appears in this picture. The father who is terribly busy at work is constantly late for family events and even forgets to buy the promised toy to his son for Christmas. And on the very last day, a feverish race begins for the aforementioned toy, the hero Schwarzenegger has too many rivals in the fight for the present.


"Sleepless in Seattle"

Another Christmas classic. 1993 film in which the lonely protagonist Sam - played by Tom Hanks - mourns the death of his wife Maggie before Christmas. To change the situation, he decides to move with his son from Chicago to Seattle. One day, Sam tells his touching story on the air of one of the programs of a local radio station. Many fans of the film already remember the hero’s monologue by heart.


"While you were Sleeping"

The action of this romantic comedy starring Sandra Bullock, one of the most successful actresses of the last two decades, also unfolds on the eve of Christmas. A lone employee of the Chicago train station saves a man who lost consciousness after the attack. As often happens, the fate of the protagonist suddenly changes. True, her elect eventually becomes another (and not saved by her) man. Modest Lucy will have to make a choice between a fairytale and real love.

cinema Leisure comedy holidays
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