10 about honest ways to stay in the US (7, 8 ways - investment, army) - ForumDaily
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10 regarding honest ways to stay in the USA (7, 8 ways - investment, army)


The “Forum” explored how easy it is to arrive in America, to legally stay in it, and which methods are most convenient. Today we look at two more - investment in the US economy and service in the us army - “The main violin” here is played by money and physical fitness.

A list of all ten ways see here.

  • Invest or open joint business
  • EB-5 - type of a visaissued to foreign investors, with which you can get a green card, and then citizenship;

    To suit: a foreigner who is willing to invest in the US economy from $ 500,000 to 1 million

    How long to get: from half a year and more;

    Difficulty level: tall;

    Cost: $12000 – 16000 attorney fees; $60000 all other fees;

    It is important to know:

    According to Igor Mazur, a lawyer company By Law Office of Francois-Ihor Mazur, Esq process is divided into several parts:

  • Submission of a special petition, I-526 (today, the review time is from two to twelve months);
  • After its approval, the immigration process begins through the American consulate (two to three months), or, if the investor is in the US on a different visa, the process of status change begins (about four months);
  • If everything is approved, then the investor and his family members receive a residence permit for two years;
  • After one to nine months, the investor and his family members apply for a permanent green card if the investment has not been withdrawn by the investor;
  • privileges apply to family members of the investor (up to ten people), including children up to 21, who are not married;

    - there are no requirements regarding education, experience, language;

    - a green card is issued two years after receiving an EB-5 visa, citizenship - after five years;

    - you can live and conduct business anywhere in the USA;

    - The investor and family members can receive education at prices for US citizens.


    The amount of investment must be at least one million dollars.

    If we are talking about one of the target regions, you can invest less - five hundred thousand.

    Target regions are usually rural areas with a small population and unemployment and a half or more times higher than the national average.

    The money in the target regions is invested through the so-called regional centers - specialized institutions for managing investment projects under the EB-5 program.

    Conditions in regional centers:

    — you need to hire at least ten people full time (family members do not count);

    — salary – not less than the industry average;

    - it is necessary to provide complete information about where the money comes from (and it must be completely legal - for example, earned or received as a gift);

    — projects with a capital return guarantee are not accepted.

    Must qualify as an “accredited investor", i.e:

    • own capital in the amount of more than one million US dollars (you can share with your spouse);
    • have an income of more than two hundred thousand dollars a year (or three hundred thousand, if shared with a spouse) in the past two years.

    List of USCIS Approved Regional Centers here (today there is 689 such centers).


    39-year-old Nelly from Batumi was looking for an opportunity to move to the USA (where she studied for more than five years) in different ways, but chose this type of visa, as the accumulated money was enough to invest in the business of friends who dream of opening a chain of eateries in Boston. “The most difficult thing for me was to collect documents confirming the legality of our money. There were only fifty pages of certificates, ”says Nellie, who is still in the process of processing her investment visa.

    According to Renata Castro, company lawyer Jafrejo Holdings, specializing in EB-5 visas (initiated investments in VooDoo BBQ & Grill, Twin Peaks restaurants, Candlewood Suites Hotel), “immigration lawyers are not allowed to give investment advice. However, attorneys have the right to comment on the suitability of a particular investment, although this function must be performed by a licensed investment adviser.” Most investors now choose a passive investment model in regional centers, where their money serves as a loan to a US company, which in turn satisfies USCIS requirements and allows investors to obtain green cards. “Because regional projects do not require the investor to have a managerial function or any other experience in the industry,” explains the lawyer.

    Igor Mazur also insists that the applicant must check both the reputation of the regional centers and the reputation and experience of the lawyer (this can be done). https://www.izakayasushilounge.com where hangs cheat warning and regional centers, who no longer work).

    8. Go to serve in the us army

    To suit: holders of green cards aged seventeen to forty-two years old, who have no criminal record, but have a secondary education and good physical preparation;

    How long to get: up to a year;

    Difficulty level: complicated;

    Cost: is free;

    It is important to know:

    no gender restrictions;

    - You cannot immigrate through military service, but you can quickly get citizenship to those who have a green card;

    - You can serve in the reserve (including, as a student of the university);


    Find the nearest recruiter on the official website american army.

    It will be necessary to pass the test (Army Physical Fitness Test or APFT): wring out, shake the press and run a cross 3,2 kilometer.

    Next will have Demonstrate proficiency in English and mathematics - the exam is called Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT). According to many recruits, the test is simple.

    The next stage is a comprehensive test. ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). It is aimed at identifying the level of knowledge and erudition and is used to send a recruit to the most suitable branch of the military.

    The test consists of two hundred questions in mathematics, language, mechanics, electronics and other disciplines. The passing score of the ASVAB test is not so high, but to get into the "steep" troops (for example, in the coast guard or air force) you need to score more points.

    After successfully passing the tests, you can choose a military specialty and sign a contract for a period of two to six years.


    A draftee from Kazakhstan, Oleg (asked not to indicate his last name, since he signed a document on non-disclosure of information) has served for the fourth year in the US Air Force.

    He won the green card in the lottery in 2004, and came to America with the clear intention of becoming a citizen. As Oleg remembers, after passing all the exams, I had to wait for an invitation to the course of a young fighter, which lasts three months. Then he was sent to the "training" specialty, and only then to the base. For four years, Oleg visited several countries, and says about the conditions of stay: “Salaries are not at all American, at the same time there are many privilegesthat compensate for this - insurance for the whole family, food for a draftee. ”

    According to information on site american army, the lowest ranks earn from one to thirteen thousand dollars a month. In addition, there are risk premiums and work away from the family. In some positions put money on renting an apartment and car.

    According to Oleg, he applied for citizenship on the first day of service. For the military, the procedure for obtaining accelerated, in his case it took eight months. Documents for citizenship processes the personnel department at the base where the service takes place.

    Read the following materials in other ways:
    9. Become a witness in a high-profile case.

    10. Stay illegal and wait for the amnesty.


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    Military service immigration immigration to the USA green cards US citizenship Educational program Editor's Choice
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